
  1. Homie is on a spree asking about space stuff

    You should visit Washington DC and visit the Smithsonian. I think you’d like that.

  2. Not a Floridian but I saw the Artemis 1 launch when I visited Kennedy Space Center.

  3. Probably hundreds upon hundreds.

    When I was growing up, the teachers would always take the kids outside to watch the launches. It honestly never got old.

    (Not until I myself got to that age when everything in the world is stupid and lame and boring and dumb, of course.)

  4. Not Floridian, but Floridian-adjacent (I’m the only member of my family that didn’t leave Illinois), we’ve seen a few when we’ve been at my uncle’s place in Smyrna

  5. Countless times from the comfort of my home. On the right days it’s very easy to see launches.

    From Kennedy Space Center? Never

  6. All the time! I’m really close to Cape Canaveral. I also grew up in central Florida. So remember seeing them as a kid as well.

  7. Not a Floridian but I saw the last dawn launch of the shuttle Atlantis from the cape. What a sight to see up close. Totally worth it. I always say to people who ask what to do in Florida that if they are in town when a launch is scheduled that it is worth the effort to see if even from just across the water in Titusville. Like nothing else you will ever see.

    I was at my in-laws or grandmothers house several times when rockets/shuttles launched and you could see them in the distance.

  8. My wife did when she was 7 years old. They saw *Atlantis* launch from Cape Canaveral with the whole family at the crack of dawn one day. They still have a VHS of the launch, getting it digitized.

    This past December we took our two kids to Kennedy Space center, only to come face to face with *the exact space shuttle* she saw fly into space, 25 years later.

    Edit: It was Atlantis, not Discovery, although I have seen both in person.

  9. Lived in Orlando for a few years, saw several. Most of them were just from Orlando, where it basically looked like a big flame in the sky. However I got to see two in person at the Kennedy Space Center and they were spectacular. I also got to see the Space Shuttle roll out to the launch site for one of the last missions, that was also amazing.

  10. Occasionally I’d be able to see shuttle launches from my backyard I think.

  11. I’m not a Floridian but just came here to say that I’m super jealous of all those that have lol

  12. Was a time when I lived in central Florida and could see launches from home. I mostly remember space shuttle launches- I even saw Challenger once.
    But only once. 🙁

  13. My parents would always call us outside to watch them we could see it from the outside of the state

  14. Not from Florida, but I’ve seen a Delta IV Medium launch from Port Canaveral, and the second Falcon 9 Heavy launch from the Cocoa Beach Pier.

  15. I have fond memories of standing outside in the backyard as a kid when there was a launch. You couldn’t see much but it was still fun.

  16. I’m originally from the Daytona area. We used to go on field trips to Kennedy Space Center throughout my schooling, and I’ve seen plenty go up. I also remember the Challenger disaster vividly.

  17. Many, many times. In elementary school we would all go onto the soccer fields to watch.

    But I’ve never been to Kennedy Space Center to watch.

  18. It’s such a cool experience and something that never gets. I’ve grown up around the Kennedy Space Center area and have had family work for NASA, so I’ve been watching them my entire life.

  19. Several times. First time I was a little kid living in Orlando. I was on a used car lot with my mom and all of a sudden there was a rocket going up in the air. Second time I was in Cocoa beach for Spring break as a college student. Later in life I took my mom and family to see a launch from Space View Park. It’s awe inspiring.

  20. I see them all the time from where I live. Such a cool part of living in Florida

  21. I used to be able to see them from one of the bedrooms of my 22nd floor apartment in downtown Orlando. That was pretty freaking rad.

  22. I literally used to work at Kennedy so… yes I have. Close enough to physically feel the vibrations too. One of my favorite things about working there was just getting up and leaving my workstation to go up on the roof and watch the launches.

    I don’t live in Florida anymore though, so I haven’t seen them in a while.

  23. Grew up in Orlando… my fifth grade elementary school class took a field trip to see the launch of space shuttle Endeavor on November 30, 2000!

    Literally one of the most unforgettable days of my life. Although I am kind of disappointed that Dippin dots, which was touted as the ice cream of the future has still not caught on to the main stream just yet lol

  24. I went to high school in Florida. They brought everyone out into the parking lot to see it.

  25. Flor-da born and raised. I remember seeing Apollo launches from my house in Pinellas County. That was in the sixties before pollution was bad.

    Tell me the moon launches were fake. You may get a knuckle sandwich.

  26. All the time. I live about 150mi south of Cape Canaveral but I can see the rockets going up quite well from my house, especially on clear nights. I also once saw a shuttle launch up close at Kennedy Space Center. It was like seeing the sun come up.

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