I’m 28 and I’ve been talking to this women for about 3 months now and we call each other baby or boo and we’ve met a good amount of one another’s friends. How should I properly ask her to be my lady ?

  1. Sounds like you already are lmao but something along the lines of “I want to us to be official” will do.

  2. In a way that is genuine to you. And no stranger from the internet will be able to tell you that

  3. The last 3 months I’ve had an amazing time with you. In this time I’ve definitely developed feelings for you and am wondering if it’s mutual? Are you talking to anyone else or Should we make this exclusive and official?

  4. Funny thing is we started as study buddy’s lol And you know how that went. I’m in dental school and she’s in chiropractor school and it’s been the best help I’ve received with staying focused.

  5. Ok, but have done anything physical together? Sounds like you’re already a couple.

  6. Probably don’t need to say anything, sounds like you’re already there. She’s probably just waiting for you to make the next move, like kissing.

  7. You need to keep it cool man I repeat stay cool. The proverbial “ I thought we were just friends” is just around the corner. Is it worth risking what you have? Just give it time things will fall into place like they have been!

  8. “I want you to be my lady.”

    Just like that. Use the word ‘lady’. They’ll like that.

  9. wait for a nice quiet romantic moment and then just say something like

    “hey we’ve been seeing eachother for a while now, and I adore you, I dont want to be with anyone else but you, lets make this official”

  10. Don’t ask her. Kiss her and make her yours. If she pushes you away, tell her that you respect her answer but you’re still into her and will take some space and will then try again. Whenever your second attempt comes, if she pushes you away again, tell her you’re still into her and will now wait for a week for her to come to you if she decides she wants it.

    Nothing makes girls happier than a man who likes / wants them even when pushed away. Now… nobody likes a creep. But girls tend to question your determination. So a “no” is sometimes a “not yet, try harder”. It’s a thin line and a fine art to master this. But if you get it, the world is yours.

  11. You guys are dope! Sorry I’ve been busy,
    So we’ve going on dates and we’ve kissed. She’s never been in a serious relationship and I was once in a 5 year relationship. I know she’s totally into me but I think she’s nervous. To be completely honest I am too because we work so well together.

    We talked about making things official and sitting down and asking each other.

  12. “Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy babay! Ooo ahh. I want to knooooooooooooooow if you’ll be my girl”

  13. 3 months? Ask yourself, how would she react in _____ situation? You don’t even know her well. IME 9-12 months is the longest I’ve ever had a GF hold it together. She should be asking for your commitment.

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