**Level 1**: Comfortably make eye contact, smile, and nod or greet people.

**Level 2**: Easily strike up conversations with people you encounter in everyday life.

**Level 3**: Actively participate in group activities and mingle with others.

**Level 4**: Comfortably interact with a partner in romantic settings.

**Level 5**: Feel at ease in the spotlight in front of an audience.

**Level 6**: Clearly and confidently express your beliefs and thoughts, even in uncomfortable or unfair situations.

**Level 7**: Healthily accept and embrace feedback.

**Level 8**: Inspire and lead others by utilizing your talents and abilities.


I understand that the order of levels might be different for everyone since I created this list myself. So, it would be great if you could comment and share your experiences, such as finding Level 7 easy but Level 6 more challenging.

Actually, I’m making an app, so your opinions will be greatly appreciated.

  1. I can talk to a large group of people and not be significantly nervous, and I can express my beliefs confidently, but I have a really hard time making eye contact lol.

  2. Those are really different skills with various degrees of difficulty, but calling them levels sort of implies if you’re at a higher level you can do everything below, or at least most of it. For example, Level 7 (super high) can probably be done by MOST people, even those who have stage fright at a grocery checkout. So maybe re-work the levels idea or just separate these out into Skills Areas.

    Btw I LOVE your idea of creating an app, so kudos to you for your efforts!

  3. The numbers are strange. These aren’t in any particular order and I don’t think you can put them in an accurate order so they don’t seem like levels. They’re all very different social situations

    I can do 4, 5, and 7 but not 1, 2, 3, 6, and 8.

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