How would you view women who block guys for having female best friends while they have male best friends themselves?

  1. That’s none of my business, that’s “her” life not mine.This also sounds like projection…

  2. I mean that’s how she wants her life but it also sounds like a double standard to me. To me if you have a friend of the opposite sex it’s not a problem as long as there is boundaries that don’t get crossed. That is if I date that person.

  3. Their prerogative. If a partner tolerates that hypocrisy, that’s on them. Won’t be hanging out with either of them.

  4. Hypocritical. They’re free to do as they please, but I’m a firm believer in being consistent with your values and expectations. If they’re not okay with a guy having girl best friends, then they should be okay with not having guy best friends. It’s fair and consistent.
    It’s also none of my business, so if someone agrees to this hypocritical notion.. so be it

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