Yesterday was mother’s day. My husband didn’t say anything until I burted out call your mom. He said later. I said call her now. He said why…I looked away shocked like really? It’s mothers day. He said he’ll call later. I picked up my phone and called her. Felt bad because she was sleeping when I called. Wished her happy mothers day etc. We were just hanging around the house. I went to use the restroom and when I got out he went straight to playing on his Playstation..from 12 noon till like 3pm…I kept sighing…I forced myself to go to sleep. Woke up he was still playing. I went into my daughter’s room, layed down and closed my eyes. He came and wanting to do something. I told him why? It’s mothers day and you decide to play? Since 12!!! He said you didn’t say anything. I told him I kept sighing …he said how am i supposed to know what that means…guys…when a women does this what the heck do you’d think it means. It’s not only that, he likes to either watch porn secretly or incognito mode and lie about it… I can tell when he’s lying because when you sign into incognito mode on reddit an switch to your user account it will tell you sing into and then your user account. He looks up half naked women all the time and watches porn all the time. More then we have sex. If he’s getting his release through this then wtf does he need me for? I think I want to break free from him so I don’t feel bad for myself or feel unwanted all the time. I feel I don’t do it for him that’s why he’s always secretly watching bullshit. I want a man to want me! The real thing. Not porn via the internet! I wish I could be enough and more to a man who wants me just as much as I want him. I don’t need to be your everything ok. I’m a grown women with kids. I need to make time for them too but gees…it hurts when you resort in this behavior over your own wife who feels neglected in bed. Fucking sucks. I mean, I just want to be man handled, spanked, chocked and licked and let me lick you too..but sure keep your fantasy to your self secretly…sigh…if you want to watch porn then leave me be…fuck

  1. Are you telling your husband this? Communication is key to a good relationship.

  2. Playing playstation all day and watching porn all the time !! Is he 16 years old ?

  3. So……you’re just loudly sighing at him?

    With all due respect, miss, communication is a two way street.

  4. >I told him I kept sighing …he said how am i supposed to know what that means…guys…when a women does this what the heck do you’d think it means.

    Nothing. It has no semantic content. Use your words.

  5. “Kept sighing”???? You seem to have a communication problem. That is very childish. Maybe he wanted to call his mom later because he knew she’d be sleeping?

  6. So this has nothing to do with Mother’s Day. Sounds like you feel unfulfilled and unappreciated the other 364 days of the year. Sounds like y’all have horrible communication and are on two very different wavelengths.

    Now, if you talk to him about the porn and the incognito stuff and he says pound sand, then you have your answer.

  7. Your husband sounds like a douche for sure, but you’re a god awful communicator who treats him like he’s your junior high bf and not a grown adult.

  8. He sounds like your teenage son, not a partner. If you’re feeling this way then the relationship is over.

  9. First off- your husband should have known it was Mother’s Day and planned something. You should not have had to tell him.

    He should not be playing games all day, especially when he has children to care for.

    Secondly- sighing and showing signs of being upset isn’t effective communication. It’s passive aggressive and doesn’t work.

  10. Thinking about divorce

    *I really REALLY wanted to support you, u/Stunning-Ad9626 but fuuuuuuccccckkkk! Sighing?!*

    Yesterday was mother’s day. My husband didn’t say anything until I burted out call your mom. He said later. I said call her now. He said why…I looked away shocked like really? It’s mothers day. He said he’ll call later. I picked up my phone and called her. Felt bad because she was sleeping when I called.

    *Maybe your husband clued in it was too early to call his mom?*

    Wished her happy mothers day etc. We were just hanging around the house. I went to use the restroom and when I got out he went straight to playing on his Playstation..from 12 noon till like 3pm…I kept sighing…I forced myself to go to sleep.

    *Are you incapable of using words and asking…what have you planned for my Mother’s Day?*

    Woke up he was still playing. I went into my daughter’s room, layed down and closed my eyes. He came and wanting to do something. I told him why? It’s mothers day and you decide to play? Since 12!!! He said you didn’t say anything. I told him I kept sighing …he said how am i supposed to know what that means…

    *Fellow woman here and that is the stupidest and most immature thing I’ve heard in a VERY long time. I mean WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! How can he derive
    YOIR THOUGHTS from passive aggressive sighing?*

    guys…when a women does this what the heck do you’d think it means.

    *I am a woman and don’t have a fucking clue. Please provide the translation model for PA sighing.*

    It’s not only that, he likes to either watch porn secretly or incognito mode and lie about it… I can tell when he’s lying because when you sign into incognito mode on reddit an switch to your user account it will tell you sing into and then your user account. He looks up half naked women all the time and watches porn all the time. More then we have sex. If he’s getting his release through this then wtf does he need me for?

    *What does this have to do with the other? Are you simply walking around filled with resentment and it comes out in your magical curative of sighing?*

    I think I want to break free from him so I don’t feel bad for myself or feel unwanted all the time. I feel I don’t do it for him that’s why he’s always secretly watching bullshit. I want a man to want me! The real thing. Not porn via the internet! I wish I could be enough and more to a man who wants me just as much as I want him. I don’t need to be your everything ok. I’m a grown women with kids. I need to make time for them too but gees…it hurts when you resort in this behavior over your own wife who feels neglected in bed. Fucking sucks.

    *Have you also communicated this via sighs?*

    I mean, I just want to be man handled, spanked, chocked and licked and let me lick you too..but sure keep your fantasy to your self secretly…sigh…if you want to watch porn then leave me be…fuck

    *You need personal counseling to help with your issues. Once you get your communication in order then look at couples therapy. But I’m flat out exhausted by the thought of angry sighs being the language of my marriage.*

  11. He’s a selfish son and husband. I’d recommend counseling and lay it all out. If he doesn’t make an effort, leave him.

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