So there’s this guy (31m) I (24f) fancy. We have similar hobbies and generally get along pretty great. We usually take an afterwork beer together with some other guys. He teases me and there has been bodycontact more than once. Like when we’re sitting together our legs are touching and stuff like that.

But then today we all found out he was on a tinder date yesterday and he also told us about a woman he saw who was older than him.

I thought it was pretty obvious that he was into me as well, but then I heard these things and now I’m unsure. Maybe he also prefers women who are more his age.

Do you think I have a chance with this guy or should I just give up? And would the age difference be a dealbreaker for you?

  1. He probably went on that tinder date because he was unsure if you were interested but of course a tinder date is quite clear. You should either ask him out of make it agonizingly and painfully obvious you are interested if you want him to make a move.

    As for the age Gap, I wouldn’t worry too much about it at this point.

  2. So the fact that he is going on a tinder date means at some point when you guys knew each other he was actively looking. He didn’t ask you out so I say just leave it be, if he wants to make a move it seems he is perfectly capable of asking out the women he likes.

  3. When I was 31, I would not have pursued a 24 year old, but, I would have been receptive if she made her interest crystal clear and we already had good interactions generally. I would have pursued women 26-36 years old or something like that so a couple years either side wouldn’t have been much of a stretch.

  4. He didn’t ask you out but went on tinted date . Now, it might be better for you to ask what’s his goals are in dating because if all he wants is sex he will say yes to a date with anyone, but he might not want anything serious with 24 yo.

  5. Everyone’s different. Being 31 myself I personally wouldn’t go for a 24 year old, a bit young but I hardly speak for every guy out there.

    I know it can be a bit scary but the best piece of advice is have is to just be straight up with him. Ask him out somewhere that isn’t with friends, 1 on 1.

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