Do you find it easy to find people who make you laugh, or is it pretty rare? Who are some people who have been making you laugh recently?

  1. I find it pretty easy. I’m not hard to entertain. I’m 22 and “boobies” still makes me giggle. People in particular who make me laugh on a consistent basis are my daddy, brother, and granny.

  2. I find it pretty easy to find people that makes me laugh, and a bit harder to find people who make me crack up constantly… But not that hard either.

    One of my coworkers has an extremely pun based humor, with a lot of old references as well, and it’s making me laugh a lot. Some people in the office smile or chuckle but also roll their eyes because he is somewhat socially awkward and the constant pun-ing doesn’t make him more normal, but tbh at this point I’m convinced this man is a wordsmith and I respect the talent. I want to start writing his best sentences of the week on the white board in our office

  3. For me it’s pretty rare. I love to laugh, but I seldom meet people who are really on my wavelength when it comes to humor. I met someone a few months ago who really made me piss my pants and was totally on my level, laughing with him was such a joy, so rare. Unfortunately we crashed and burned. 🤷‍♀️

  4. Pretty rare. I struggle to let people get close enough to me so they have no idea what makes me laugh anyway.

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