I try to play the sports that my husband likes but I am not really good at it. I’m good with swimming and anything that involves water but when it comes to anything snow-related (ie snowboarding), I’m terrible. He said he wishes that I could so we could do it together but I find it really challenging.

  1. It’s not really a problem of ability to be honest, everyone has their strengths and weakness.
    The fact that you’re showing interest and trying should be enough.
    Ability comes over time when u practice so your husband just has to be patient and help u in my opinion.
    Not to rude or anything but it’s common knowledge that men usually adapt pretty easy to all kinds of sport compared to woman though their ability may differ depending on the sport and it’s not like it’s mandatory to be good at the sport your partner likes so just take your time and ask for help when needed.

  2. 17 years married and me and my wife don’t share a lot of interests, and we are extremely happy.

    Not doing everything together is normal and healthy, it’s kind of the opposite of codependency.

    And it is likely you are reading to much into his comment. Sure he wishes you enjoyed the same things he does, but that doesn’t mean it is important that you do. I wish my wife would jump into our home gym and throw around some weights, but her not doing so doesn’t negatively effect our relationship. It’s not here thing, cool.

  3. My partner and I are into overlapping outdoorsy hobbies.

    She kicks my ass as a climber. But I’ve improved to where I can generally follow her leads. That works out well – she gets to lead the scary climb and I get to tackle it safely on top rope (or even cheat the climb if necessary). If she wants to do something out of my range she is able to find other people.

    She can do about 1/3 to 1/2 of the mileage I prefer to cover hiking. Sometimes I just downshift and go her pace. Sometimes I pick up miles on a side trail or alternative route and catch up to her later. She’s getting stronger.

    I can do pretty technical things in a canoe. She loves canoe camping/touring trips and lets me captain the boat. I’ve taught her a few strokes, but she’s not very interested in learning things like a sculling draw.

    We compromise when needed. But sometimes it’s good to remember that everyone’s path is different, and it’s okay to have your own “thing.”

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