I feel so stupid for asking but I’m so stuck. I’ve recently found out that my SO has been receiving naked photos from another woman, and also sending ‘apparently’ quite PG photos back and flirty messages. We have 2 kids under 3, both rough pregnancies and I have been suffering with a lot of body image/self esteem issues since so there isn’t a lot of sex. He says that it was just his way of not being over stimulated because sex is so little. I’m so hurt by this and very confused. I don’t work and don’t have a lot of family and friend support where I live, so don’t have anywhere to go if I leave. Is this cheating? Do I leave?

  1. Is this cheating?

    I feel so stupid for asking but I’m so stuck. I’ve recently found out that my SO has been receiving naked photos from another woman, and also sending ‘apparently’ quite PG photos back and flirty messages.

    *what is a PG photo?*

    We have 2 kids under 3, both rough pregnancies and I have been suffering with a lot of body image/self esteem issues since so there isn’t a lot of sex. He says that it was just his way of not being over stimulated because sex is so little. I’m so hurt by this and very confused. I don’t work and don’t have a lot of family and friend support where I live, so don’t have anywhere to go if I leave. Is this cheating? Do I leave?

    *Does it FEEL like cheating to you? Because that’s all that matters. He sounds like an asshole. What does it mean ‘not be over stimulated?’*

  2. He was receiving sexual gratification from pornographic images sent from another woman he was engaging with. I’d call that cheating.

  3. This is 100% cheating.

    Start making an exit plan by first getting a job. You should not be financially dependent on someone you can’t trust. Even if you talk it out and he stops, you should have a safety net so leaving isn’t impossible.

  4. It’s definitely cheating. How would you like him to handle the situation?

    You could continue to deny him sex and he could just go without and be unhappy.

    You could work on the problem and give him more sex.

    He could cheat and have his sexual needs met by someone else.

    You could split up.

    I think those are all of the options. Sex is a basic human need for a lot of people. Either you figure out how to be happy having sex with him, or you’re going to have a cheating or miserable husband.

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