so the other day me and my new partner were having sex for one of the first times w me bottoming instead of topping. i had my first real orgasm and immediately afterwards had a panic attack so severe i ended up going to the hospital because we were worried it was a seizure. for reference i’ve had panic attacks before and am on medication for anxiety, but it’s never happened that bad before and it’s never had such a consistent trigger like this. it’s been happening pretty consistently since, every-time i orgasm i have a pretty bad panic attack and then go about my daily business. i have no IDEA what could be causing this and i’m going to be honest i have no interest in keeping this little quirk of mine, so what have y’all got for me to try and curb this?

  1. I’ve had what I would consider mini anxiety attacks after masturbation quite a few time and it usually involves me thinking that I’ve somehow hurt the inside of my body due to the orgasm that I just had.

    My way to avoid this is to only masturbate when I’m in a good clear mindset before hand and that way that thought doesn’t pop up.

    Is there anything different other than you being bottom that could be triggering this panic? If it doesn’t happen when you’re on top then there could be something we’re missing here that could be triggering it that you could maybe avoid or work on.

    Hope this is in anyway helpful!

  2. CBD oil and some l-theanine. They are both safe and great for anxiousness and panic attacks. It will curve it. It will enhance you well being over all.

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