Short context : me gf of 6 years had broken up with me at the end of March, we did not talk during the breakup and honestly the beginning it was very hard for me. But the last 2 weeks I slowly felt myself making progress and going in the right direction.

Unfortunately we share the same friend group since elementary, it’s inevitable we are gonna see each other. Yesterday I ended up seeing her out, this is the first time since 4/3 since we talked. We talked the whole time, as much as I enjoyed it I now regret it. First thing she said to me how are you actually doing , I wasn’t sure if I should tell her or not. I asked her first, She has very bad anxiety so I said to her was that I really hope she’s happy and I hope her anxiety is down, all I want is for you to be happy, I pray for your happiness every night. ( she went through a lot as a kid) I told her ik what you went through as a kid was hard ( family issues) I really want you to find happiness in this world and it’s gonna come soon just keep going. She proceeded to ask me how I was , I told her the truth beginning I was a mess but last 2 weeks I’ve been better on accepting this reality. We started talking abt her family and how their doing, they all go thru a lot and deal with stress, she told me her and her mom have gotten closer which really made me happy and tear..

Unfortunately I said something’s I feel like I shouldn’t of, I told her my friends try to get me with girls and I just can’t get my self to do it. I feel like I should’ve kept this to myself. I proceeded to tell her abt all the different things I’ve been doing reading , gym, therapy. We talked about us, she said she still has love for me and wants the best. As do I for her. She said she was confused idk about what she was confused about. I told her I feel like me going through this taught me a lesson that I will bring into my next relationship whether it’s with you or someone else.

A few days before she followed me on Twitter , I brought this up I said this isn’t helping me, I used to check ur Twitter everyday and it’s not healthy for me. I asked why did she follow me she never gave a straight answer. Then she said it was an accident which I don’t believe. She got very upset when I asked her to block me again bc it’ll help me move on. She told me in the beginning ( I begged for her, won’t ever beg again) to give up and move on, I told her u following me on Twitter doesn’t help me.

We were talking the entire time, but she said she wanted to still be friends.. I said as bad as I want to I can’t be just friends with you, we dated for 6 years idk how you can see that working yourself. She proceeded to say that during our time dating she saw me more of her best friend. This really hurt me, idk if she meant it or. This was at the nd of night and I just said wow okay and walked away, I almost threw up.

Please any advice is appreciated , I feel so lost I feel like I’m starting over. Thank you

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