I’m posting on a throwaway account because I know that this may come off as very conceited.

I’ll start this off and say that me and my fiancé are both pretty attractive people. We both tend to be a bit charming and as a consequence, we’ve both had various suitors now and then.

I think my fiancé is the most amazing person in the world. However, I really like when other people find me attractive. It weirdly makes me more attracted to my fiancé , knowing that I’m his while other people want me… If that makes sense?

For example, I just learned today that a coworker I hardly know has a huge crush on me. He’s a cute enough guy I guess, but I don’t really think crushes mean all that much. However I felt a rush of confidence finding this out and for some reason had a burst of crazy horniness directed at my fiancé after. Am I just vain/a bad person in some way or is that maybe related to some sort of kink I can explore?

  1. Nothing wrong with that at all. I’d love to see you to let you know just how attractive I find you as well

  2. It’s not bad to take pleasure in having your confidence boosted. As long as you’re not acting in the wants of others and cheating on your fiancee, I think it’s fine to find out someone finds you attractive, feel confident and sexy because of it, and then direct that sexual energy towards your partner

  3. Who doesn’t love an ego boost. It’s going to give most people a jolt of positive energy. You just happen to channel yours sexually toward your fiance. Sounds like a great outcome actually.

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