As far as dating is concerned, it’s been many many years since I’ve actually been on a date. But now that summertime is approaching, the women around me are wearing flip flops and exposing their naked toes. Honestly, it almost feels like too much to handle. To add to the distress, I live by the beach.

If it were up to me, I’d just go around rubbing and sucking all of their toes at my discretion. But as it stands, I don’t have any female friends at the age of 28 years old. So what I’m left with is the constant clanking sound of flip flops as they walk by, and I’m left sexually frustrated because I think deep down they wouldn’t want me to approach them.

This summer, I would like to cope with this in a healthier way. I am trying to do “no fap” as they call it, but I imagine that it’s going to be rough. Does anyone have any tips for me? Being around naked feet all the time is torture!

  1. >I think deep down they wouldn’t want me to approach them.

    You would be right. Random women wouldn’t want you approaching them to suck their toes.

    I’m down. Sounds like a nice massage or something. But that’s not going to help you.

    How long have you had this fetish? Maybe you need to jerk off to it over and over until it’s boring to you, or something. We get horny over novelty, so if it’s no longer novelty, maybe you’d get over it?

    Idk, that’s my advice. Jerk off lots, keep the horny levels down, and hopefully you’ll get bored of toes soon. If you don’t jerk off, you’ll just get hornier.

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