If you’re struggling to sleep, what is your go to Netflix/prime/sky thing that always sends you off

  1. I’m a big fan of the Sleep with Me podcast. It’s so incredibly boring that it usually does the trick.

  2. Rain or ocean noises if I need noise.

    Otherwise it’s earplugs and not thinking about anything connected to reality. Otherwise my thoughts cascade and I just lay here. Magic, science fiction, whatever world I want.

  3. Archer.

    Which is a bit odd – but I’m basically so familiar I just dream off and have oddly spy-related dreams.


    Prior to that it’d have been some Radio4 comedy like ISIHAC or “The Wildeebeast Years”.

  4. Usually fall asleep to true crime or things of a similar vein. Sometimes podcasts. Have been putting The Simpsons or something random on Sky to fall asleep to lately though. Something I can listen to and follow but not really give a fuck about if I end up falling asleep to it.

  5. I listen to audio books, no particular genre as whatever I listen to I am asleep well within the first chapter and the book is usually finished by the time I wake up.

    I guess there is something about being read a story at bedtime.

  6. Concentrate on something complicated and try to stay awake.
    Sounds counterintuitive but it works.

  7. It never used to but over recent years, white noise helps massively.

    Started when I used to work nights about five years ago, it was a really hot summer and bought an air conditioner. The humming was loud but I massively got used to it.

    Now I sleep with Bose Sleepbuds with white noise in the background and find it massively helps in drifting off and that I actually struggle without

  8. After night shifts I go for old episodes of Frank Skinner’s Absolute radio podcast as they are amusing enough to keep me entertained for the 15 minutes or so that I’m still awake but I don’t mind falling asleep to as I’ve heard them before.

  9. People playing with my hair, tickling my back or listening to certain asmr

  10. Pure silence, and full darkness. I would still be able to fall asleep under minor sounds like rain and birds chirping, or with a little bit of light, but definitely fall asleep faster in silence and dark.

  11. I found I slept better when I turned everything off, and phone at the other side of the room. It might take me longer to get to sleep but the quality of sleep was way better

  12. I love watching cycling but it sends me right off to my sleepy place. A few years ago I had a massive anxiety episode and it was the only TV I could watch that really calmed me down but now I get 15 mins in and I am snoring like drunk bear.

  13. Me and my brother used to watch TV Shopping channels when younger to get tired

  14. Audiobooks, mostly Stephen Fry reading Sherlock Holmes, Mythos, Heroes, or Troy. Slowed down to 90%

    Currently listening to Tales of the City series but some narrators are too much and do OTT character voices.

  15. A podcast called Nothing Much Happens, it’s very rare that it fails to send me off. I used to listen to Sleep with Me but my husband found the guy doing it so annoying that it would keep him awake.

  16. I listen to true (supposedly) scary stories on YouTube or Spotify although often I’ll get engrossed in the stories and won’t actually sleep…

  17. Podcasts. Stuff you should know is my favorite because it’s low key but really any talk focused podcast with little shouting will do.

  18. Extremely in-depth explanations of mundane objects.

    Fell asleep to a 43 minute video on how nuts and bolts work last night.

  19. A bit of clonazepam is doing it right now. Also find something sweet helps a lot!

  20. Either Drachinifel, horror babble or Sherlock Holmes audiobooks on youtube. Work makes me wish i was asleep and i break out in yawns.

  21. Kindle. Set the soft tone high and screen brightness low. I bet you can’t make 2 chapters.

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