Update to [https://www.reddit.com/r/dating/comments/ucssmx/should\_i\_ask\_her\_out\_over\_text/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dating/comments/ucssmx/should_i_ask_her_out_over_text/)

So I texted her and she said she was down to chill. We texted some more then I asked if she was free on Saturday. If she agreed I was going to text my plan of either lunch and a walk or something, or go mini golfing (still don’t know which is better for first date). She has not responded to that last text I sent and its been over a day. I’m thinking I am getting ghosted but she did say she is a horrible texter and was busy (took her 8 hours to respond to initial text). Idk if I should text her today again and ask if she wants to go out on Saturday or should I forget about it?

Also it said she her notifications are silenced (focus mode on iPhone) when I last texted but I noticed she turned it off sometime the next day.

  1. Wait for some more time like a day or two.Trust me i was in your position and i was over thinking stuffs .My friend gave me the same advice i gave you in the first line.You don’t want to look desperate .

  2. If she’s using focus mode she’s probably busy and doesn’t want to be bothered at the moment. Wait a bit.

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