I’ve noticed a common trend with women in my experience, I’ll tell them “Good Morning beautiful” or “Good Night gorgeous” and other phrases under the same layout, ending with a compliment and when they say it back it’s always just “good morning” saying nothing nice back and just completely ignoring the compliment. Is this a sign they just aren’t interested?

  1. I would say if they don’t compliment back, they’re not into you. I’ve experienced this in the past and since have stopped doing it

  2. You’re thinking too much into it and only giving a compliment to received one back. So don’t do it. Just say good morning.

  3. You’ve met these women in person more than once? Or never met in person?

  4. If you’re calling them this I assure you there have been multiple men who have said the same.

    Of said men, I am sure she has had a bad experience with some of then so she is attaching that bad experience to you.

    Until you build a little trust stay away from commenting on physical looks. Instead say something like “really enjoyed our convo about blah blah blah and I was just thinking of you. Hope you have a nice day!”

  5. When giving out complements I usually try to point out something specific like, like a character trait you have noticed in her, something she does often maybe something she is wearing.

    “That eye color looks amazing with your dress”
    “I love how you get cute dimples when you laugh”
    “wow you look really put together with your matching earrings and necklace”

    It comes of as more sincere if it’s something you picked up on. It shows attention.

    Complements like “good morning gorgeous” dosen’t really mean much and comes off as something you are just saying to say it.

    Also only give compliments if you mean it and dont shower people in complements.

  6. Oh gosh. I just realized I do this too. Now I am reflecting on why, because I certainly did find the person cute. Perhaps it’s because in my mind, to call a man “handsome” or “babe” or something — we have to be in a relationship. But to receive the compliment of “beautiful”, it can be a much more casual relationship. It’s even said to me from my girl friends, so it feels less intimate. Hmm. Thanks for flagging this!

  7. Calling a woman beautiful or gorgeous means you only care about their looks. Not cool.

  8. No women is obligated to give you a compliment back. the words are meaningless and make it known that you see her as nothing more than a sexual object for your enjoyment. She owes you nothing. try saying “good morning, how did you sleep” that’s going to get you a lot further. Make no mistake, we can leave your comment where you stand.

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