What is the craziest thing / top 3 craziest things you ever did in your life?

Getting married is not an answer.

  1. When I was 19/20 years old…..I was dating one girl for about 3 years, screwing another from work for about the last 9 months of that, playing with another, and chasing the one that I eventually married. The last one only knew about the first, and my now wife was/is friends with the 9 month girl to this day, 30 + years later.

  2. Took a washout of a vial of acid (probably like 20 hits) and lost touch with reality for about 12 hours. Was high for ~36 hours.

    Another time, provided/took shrooms with some close friends/their acquaintances. Acquaintances went back to the dorms, preceded lose their collective shit. One dude fell over and hit his head, one chick jumped out of a (thankfully first story) window naked. Paramedics and police were called. I narrowly avoided being arrested by laying low and leaving town (I didn’t live in this town). Funny thing is me and my friends had an absolute blast. If the other peeps had listened to me and not gone back to their dorms and stayed in the park, would’ve been a much better time for all

    Another time in Mexico, made friends with a dude who I’m pretty sure was cartel affiliated. He has the stories and a couple bullet wound scars to back it up at least. We did a bunch of excellent coke and partied in Puerto Vallarta all night. Probably could’ve gone bad but it was a blast.

    Drugs are fun mkay

  3. Quit my then 350k total comp job and stopped working at 30. I have enough for a basic retirement saved for myself but nothing more. Will need to work if I decide to marry, buy house, have kids, splurge on anything.

  4. Getting into subway illegally and running along a train in the tunnel.

  5. Skydiving alone – aka not tandem – after an hour of very basic instruction.

  6. Trespassed in Bethlehem wearing an IDF t-shirt when I was 21.


    I was on a trip to Israel & the surrounding areas with my mom & a bunch of tourists. One of the towns we stopped in was Bethleham…

    We had been stopping at various sites, churches, etc all day & this was just another stop. About half way through our guided tour, I got bored and told the group I was touring with that I was going to go back to the bus. It was parked in a parking garage about 5 blocks away from our location.

    I walked back, and didn’t initially see the bus where it dropped us off. I did however see a ramp leading down to the lower levels of this garage. So figuring it was somewhere down there… I just started making my way down there.

    There was some kind of barrier gate down, but I paid it no mind… I just continued on my way.

    Halfway down another ramp, I was met by two guards with rifles. They leveled them at me… I put my hands up.

    They took me into custody, and took me to the top of the parking structure.

    Being a dumb American kid at the time (I was around 20), I didn’t speak the language, and was scared.

    Their boss asked me a few questions which I didn’t understand, so he broke out his english & asked me who I was & what I was doing there.

    I told him my name, and that I was tired from all the tours that day & was just attempting to get back on my tour bus to relax. The leader verified this information on some ledger & gave his guards permission to accompany me back to my bus.

    Our bus driver stayed with the bus, and also acted as our security guard & had an Uzi under his seat.

    I knocked on the door, which startled him… he looks up and sees me & the two guards with their rifles…. so he starts reaching underneath his seat for his Uzi….

    I yell the only Hebrew I know… “LO! LO! LO!” which is “no”.

    He opens the door & lets me on the bus… thank god.

    The guards give us the stink eye & then leave…

    I got the worst lecture from the bus driver…

  7. 1. Pissed in the Fischbrunnen of Munich in the middle of night whilst singing drinking songs that I still don’t know what they mean.
    2. Taking the bus from San Jose, Costa Rica to Houston, Texas, USA in 2007. I’m pretty sure I was almost robbed and murdered in San Salvador.
    3. Redacted.

  8. My wife and I moved to Mexico and built a boutique hotel with every penny of our life savings.

    That’s the craziest.

    Dozens of good stuff tied for 2nd.

    I’ll go with trekking the Amazon and doing a 1,000+ mile bikepacking trip alone across Europe.

  9. 3 examples of my craziness (i.e. stupidity):

    1. In Manizales, Colombia, while riding a Chiva party bus, very drunk on rum, I decided it would be fun to climb out the window and “surf” the bus while it drove around in busy traffic. Afterwards I was known as the “Original Chiva Surfer”.
    2. Walking alone (also drunk) at 11pm in Bogota through the empty streets. Of course before I knew I had a massive serrated knife at my throat. Peed my pants a little 🙁
    3. Got arrested for jaywalking in Moscow, while drunk, no ID documents, with a BB gun in my pocket (don’t ask).

    Definite “theme” there.

  10. I recorded a 4 track record in my bedroom and did a Kickstarter to get it released physically. It was themed around the heroic age of Antarctic exploration so I contacted a museum in Norway to see if they might share it on social media, just took a punt really.

    They ended up liking it and commissioned me to write a new piece of music for the opening of a new building. Even better they invited me to fly over to Oslo to perform at the opening ceremony which was attended by the king and prime minister of Norway!

    It was nuts. I ended up performing my weird electronic nonsense dressed in my kilt while an Inuit drum dancer from Nanuvut accompanied me, watched by the great and good of Oslo. Then we all went out and got incredibly drunk!

    I still don’t believe it actually happened but there’s video evidence, and I have a great story that I bore my children and friends with all the time.

    TL:Dr – played weird music in front of a King then went drinking with Vikings and Eskimos

  11. Climbing a 7 story crane that didn’t have any protective cage on the stair, I was heartbroken and it gave me retard courage

  12. Cage with white sharks, scuba with whale sharks, drive 140ish (long time ago) in a stock WRX.

  13. Wanted to get to the northernmost point in the US. Flew to Barrow, Alaska. Rented a vehicle. Found out the road became undrivable several miles from Point Barrow. Decided to hike there through the snow. No civilization around for miles, just snow and ice as far as the eye could see.

    There are Polar bears out in that area. I was acutely aware of the fact that if I saw a Polar bear there was a 100% chance I’d be killed and eaten alive and no one would find my body. It was a few hours of hiking to get to Point Barrow and I became increasingly fearful the farther I went. I was so fucking ready to get the fuck out of there and get back to civilization by the time I was done.

  14. 1. Took an entire box of Coricidin C&C when I was in high school. Also the biggest mistake of my life.
    2. Climbed the church bell tower at a local university whilst drunk. Rang the bells, played the organ. Mostly just stupid.
    3. Cant really think of anything else worthy of a top 3.

  15. Got arrested on my 21st birthday by a SWAT team, and got to walk away the same night.

    Drove a car off a bridge, survived, and got the car to the destination (I was not supposed to be driving, I do not have evidence of this)

    Strawberries on pizza. Wasn’t bad

  16. Rock climbing in Thailand, including 100m multi pitch above a beach

    Walking/ climbing (via ferrata) up Zugspitze on the Austrian/ German border. Beautiful valleys, caves, glaciers, scrambling, and a lot of exposure nearing the top! And a cable car means no need to climb back down 😉

    Walking across part of central Iceland, 4 day hike. Each day had different but mind blowing scenery, from snowy mountaintops, deep ravines and flowing rivers, dusty ash/ mud flats and hot gas vents through to open fields and meandering streams.

    They may not all be super crazy but they are some of my most memorable adventures. All done with varying groups of close friends. I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to experience these things, even if at times I’ve been leading the group.

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