what the title says

  1. Things that don’t appear to ‘link’ to what the other person just said. So they say, “Thing One.” You respond with “Unrelated Thing Two.”

  2. * most sentences that begin with “why don’t you just…”. This sentence means that you think someone hasn’t already considered an obvious solution. They’re going to either 1) feel embarrassed that they haven’t thought of it, or 2) feel upset that you think they’re stupid.

    * “You must…” followed by any negative emotion related to you. (“You must hate me / you must be annoyed with me”) etc. You’re basically strangling them into giving a specific reply – even if it’s true, you’re forcing it out of them which isn’t a useful conversation.

    * Speaking for longer than 10 seconds at a time, outside of the context of a story. Remember that you don’t have to say *everything* all at once in a block, and also you shouldn’t. Say a little, have the person reply, then say a little more, etc. This means you won’t always get to infodump your specific interest, but conversation was never a good medium for sharing everything you know anyway.

  3. Using big words/technical jargon unprompted when you are talking to people who don’t have a comparable technical background. In general, actively trying to show people you are smart as a means to impress them, not add to the ongoing conversation.

    Also, saying things to seek validation. These include speaking all sentences in the form of a question, constantly apologizing, and appending low self esteem comments.

    Also, this needs to be said because a lot of people make this mistake. If somebody is not texting or calling you back for whatever reason it is, don’t keep texting/calling them. Don’t send any apology for (possibly) bothering them. Don’t send an emotional paragraph about how them not texting/calling you back is affecting you. In general, don’t confront somebody on their messaging habits towards you. That person sees everything you are doing to get their time and attention and validatio, and they will be much less likely to text or call you back. They will lose respect for you and perceive you as needy and clingy. They will get the impression you are lonely in life and have nobody else to text/call and/or nothing else going on in your life besides them. When people suspect you are attached to them to the point they are your only social option, they will avoid you. Period. It isn’t hard to tell who is attached to you. Actions speak louder than words. People gravitate towards people who are socially respected and well rounded in life.

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