I’m (25M) too shy to meet people and dating apps don’t work for me. I really want a natural connection where we start off as friends and then things grow from there so I know I’m really with my best friend. However I’m way too nice to women and I always get friendzoned. I also don’t know how to make a move because of how shy I am. I want to go to bars but it never works. Please help.

1 comment
  1. Going alone to bars is stupid anyways. Its more of a trope and might only work if you know what youre doing with look and confidence to boost otherwise you will just sit there alone, akwardly sipping your drink or coming of as creep getting on the nerves of some women who just want to enjoy their evening.

    You dont have to have your best friend as partner thats disney lvl and happens very rare in life. A partner is something entirerly different than a best friend, ofc it helps if you share the same humor and interests but sometimes the opposite is way more valuable.

    Go and do some hobbys were youre under multiple persons of all genders. If you find a girl you like talk to her a bit casually and if you built up some reputation of not beeing a creep or crazy axe killer you could ask if she wants to go on a walk with you.

    You dont have to be an asshole to get women to like you thats stupid. And like wise no one finds it attractive if they think they already have you in the bag bec youre that nice to do nearly everything for them.
    Women like witty jokes, the easiest way to do those is be observant and then comicaly missinterpret her actions on purpose for example. Its hard to explain via text but I hope you get what I mean.

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