So, we have been dating for 2 years and we love each other. But not yet made it official. I do want to marry her but I am scared if she would say no. I love her so much that I can see my life with her and don’t wanna mess things up.

She do show love and passionate compassion but I’m not sure she sees a life with me. I am skeptical because our paths are colliding right now but in future if we shall separate because of job/career. Would it be a right choice to ask her to marry me.

She is in medical field and I am in engineering our mindsets are also different but it doesn’t matter. I have never cheated on her but she seems to have some guy best friend which you all know could annoying very close.

It’s also not like I only find her attractive I find other woman even more hotter than her. But she is the one I want to be.

Sometimes I feel that it just too good to be true and it feels like fake young love. But sometimes it feels like she is the only one I can see. I don’t know if she truly loves me like I do or we are just like leaches sucking each other to be fulfilled.

Do you guys have any tips or suggestions which is easy to execute to test the waters. What should I do in this situation?

  1. Always remember – the proposal should not be a surprise, only the setting. You absolutely must discuss marriage before attempting proposing and there should be no doubt in your mind when you actually pop the question what her answer should be.

    Also, it doesn’t matter how different your careers are, if your life goals are compatible.

  2. 1: What’s the rush?

    2: if you can’t openly talk with her about your futures, your honest thoughts and feelings, you are 100% not ready for marriage.

    Edit: 44 days ago you posted saying you’ve never had a girlfriend.

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