Strange question, but I’m French and here some people (usually Chauvin country people) like to debate the best departments (French states), or questions like north vs south, east vs west.Does this also exist in the USA? people who argue about who comes from the best state?

  1. Well Michigan and Ohio kind of have a rivalry. College Football is probably the only place it really comes up seriously but people in passing will make jokes about other state but it’s usually more of a cheeky banter.

    It sort of feels like two enemies fighting that need to just fuck each other already and get it over with.

  2. Think of it as infighting like a family. I can pick on my siblings, but people OUTSIDE the family cannot.

  3. There is no rivalry between New York and New Jersey. New York is clearly the superior state.

  4. I’m pretty sure Michigan and Ohio would wage war against each other if they could.

  5. Californians generally dislike people from Arizona, mostly due to their terrible driving, but general nuisance especially during summer when they come out west in droves. Southern California feels this the most. We call them Zonies and we avoid them on the roads at all costs.

    Also basically everyone in New England who isn’t from Massachusetts dislikes “Massholes.” But to be fair, I’ve found new englanders to mostly be a*sholes, so I’m not sure I could tell the difference.

    Short answer, yes, the US has many rivalries from different states and regions, usually for the ones in the states they border.

  6. New York & New Jersey and Pennsylvania & New Jersey are ones that immediately come to mind.

    Michigan & Ohio are another one that’s pretty well known.

  7. All the states are great and are above criticism. Except Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska, and South Dakota. Never take your eyes off those sons of bitches.

  8. People from Wyoming resent Coloradans. Coloradans don’t care about Wyominites – we hate Texans and Californians. Everyone hates the bigger state.

  9. So there will be LOTS of complaining from any state that has a wealthier state that goes there to visit for tourism or buy second homes, especially when they are a border state so there’s LOTS of travelers.

    It’s pretty frequent to blame virtually every problem on “those” people.

  10. Indiana and Kentucky make fun of each other all the time, but it’s not that serious. Hoosiers (people from Indiana) say Kentuckians are hicks (provincial country people) and Kentuckians say Indiana is depressing and boring. Both sides make fun of the others’ accents and are convinced they have the better basketball players.

    Edit: Actually the basketball thing gets pretty serious.

  11. There’s rivalries between people in the same state. Pork Roll or Taylor Ham?

  12. Virginians hate us because we’re bad drivers. We hate Virginians because they’re bad drivers.

  13. Yeah, for sure. NJ and NY hate each other. North and South Dakota have a friendly rivalry. Mississippi and Alabama thank God for each other as they flip-flop at the bottom of every national ranking. North and South Carolina have minor beef. Nebraska and Iowa beef over who makes the better corn (they have nothing else; let them be). There’s plenty of friendly rivalries here.

  14. Missouri Kansas. We still refer to the Border War from the civil war. When the University of Missouri plays University of Kansas in a sport… it’s generally referred to as the “Border Showdown” or “Border War”.

    Other than sports and wheat; that covers Kansas’s contribution to the union. /s

  15. Yeah, Virginians are constantly mad that their flag and state is inferior to Maryland 🦀

  16. You see that more in sports, but that’s more team based not state based. No normal person brags about being from a state that’s “better”.

  17. Most of us in New England get along fine, except we all refer to people from Massachusetts by a not-particularly flattering term.

  18. Louisiana and Mississippi are in a constant battle for last place in everything.

  19. MA and NY- MA tries to drag in NH but they also hate us.

    TX and OK

    FL and GA

  20. It’s not nearly as big as in Europe, and it’s often not as serious.

    For example, California and New York feud with Texas and Florida on social media, people will talk shit, but it’s mainly surrounding politics since the former are liberal and the latter two are conservative. But there are millions of conservatives in CA and NY and liberals in Texas and Florida too. The main divide or “rivalry” is divided between political camps that reside in all cities and in all states.

  21. Yes absolutely. I live in Colorado, Wyoming and California are the punching bags around here.

  22. Yes, but they are usually good-natured. Chicago and New York argue over who has the best pizza. Those born in Washington State get annoyed with Californians for moving in, driving up the cost of homes and adding to the traffic.

    Boston and New York have a sports based rivalry. so do Ohio and Michigan. And Florida and Georgia.

    Texas seems to have a rivalry with Oklahoma. A lot of people don’t like Texans except for this guy named Walker who had a TV show many years ago. The list of Texan haters, according to some, may include the Governor and one of their Senators.

    Wisconsinites and Minnesotans give each other grief, and Wisconsin has its own special rivalry with Northern Illinois.

    There’s a New York New Jersey rivalry. I was told Coloradans don’t always like Wyoming folk.

    Nevadans outside of the big cities seem to dislike city-folk.

    Lately, everyone hates Florida.

  23. Idk about a rivalry but between Alabama and Mississippi one is always at the very bottom of some stat with the other right above it so one will say ‘at least we have __’ about the state currently at the very bottom lol

  24. Lately it’s been very popular to shit on California. Texas tends to throw the most shade. Some of it is justified. We do have a homelessness and high cost of living problem but it’s very complex and often times people who’ve never been here tend to have the wildest opinions. Kind of like how some foreigners treat the United States as a whole.

  25. It’s interstate too if the states are big. Northern California vs Southern California

  26. Maine doesn’t have any state rivalries, but it sounds like the kind of dumb fucking thing they’d have down in Massachusetts.

  27. Everyone in Oregon who doesn’t live in Portland, (as well as those who live in the part of Portland east of 82nd Avenue) absolutely hates Portland. Not really a state rivalry, more of an “everyone else vs. the big city” rivalry.

  28. As a Texan now living in California I can definitely say the following:

    – Texas hates California with a burning passion
    – California couldn’t care less about Texas
    – Oklahoma sucks

    At least that’s what I’ve observed

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