What are date nights guys would like to be taken on?
Me and my guy are new and officially in a relationship. He always comes up with great ideas for dates and for once I’d like to lead and show him how special he is. Dinner and a movie doesn’t just cut it for our 30s anymore and I would like something deeper than that. Ideas for one night/day dates are fun but also memorial weekend is coming up so ideas for few days on the weekend or weekend getaways would be great!

Note: neither of us drink alcohol

  1. First off, the answer is “ones with you”, or “yes.”

    Love it if my girl plans something special, and the fact that she did and gave it thought matters more than “what”.

    If you want to take it to the next level, that totally depends on the guy and his interests: the most meaningful choice will be something that shows you’re paying attention to his interests. For example, I’d love a couples massage, a go-kart outing, a ski weekend, or a private lingerie show .. but your guy might prefer a beer tasting, a road trip to a stadium for a baseball game, a live band, or a fishing trip. The key is to tailor it to something he’s expressed interest in!

    Bonus points if its something that you two can establish as a bit of a tradition; a couple that are friends of mine are about ten years into a joint bucket-list to watch an MLB game at every stadium in the league. They even made sure to revisit the ones that only he or only she had visited in order to make sure they finish at the same time!

  2. What ever one’s you like to do 😂 overall not a big deal long as we’re having fun

  3. What do you enjoy doing? What does he enjoy doing?

    Does he like art? Take a pottery class or go ceramic paining.

    Does he like music? Check out some local bands from a genre he’s into.

    Does he like working out? Go for a hike with a picnic or try indoor rock-climbing

    Does he like horror movies? Try an escape room

    Would he enjoy axe-throwing? Beer/wine-tasting? Ballet? The opera? Theatre? Ice-skating? Endurance sports? Amateur wrestling? A spa break?

    We don’t know your boyfriend and all men are different. I expect he comes up with great ideas because he’s thinking “what would OP like?” Instead of “what do women like?”

    There’s so many fun things you two can do together, what will make it special for him is that you chose it with him in mind. Don’t worry about it being _perfect_, just do something within his realm of interests and I’m sure he’ll be over the moon that he gets to spend his time with someone he cares about, regardless of the activity.

  4. I really like activity dates, like mini golf or a pool (snooker) bar. Especially if you both are really bad at it, you’re in for some fun moments.

  5. Thoughtful dates are the best. But in general, society doesn’t make men feel special so often, so the bar doesn’t need to be high. Just the time and gesture is pretty well received.

  6. I’m going to a museum this weekend with my BF. Last week we had a walk in the park near where I live followed up by some Netflix and chill at my place. We are next planning a bike ride together. I’ve also thought about doing mini golf or perhaps going to a spa and getting a mani/pedi done with him.

    Of course though all guys are different so just ask him what he likes or just throw some cool ideas his way and see what he says.

  7. Mini golf, top golf, brewery or wine tasting, check Groupon for local events near you, concert or live music, food trucks

  8. Lol my guy enjoys trying out new food, pubs, and nature. So in the summer, we go camping/hiking. In the winter, we explore new restaurants and other indoor places.

    We’ve enjoyed playing mini golf, watching movies, but mostly we sit at a pub or coffeeshop and just talk lol

  9. I would like to be invited for some weekend in the country side, home made dinner with staying for the night. I am into films so movie invites are always great. Maybe some comedy club. You have to find out his interests and see if you can share them.

  10. Why on earth would dinner and a movie “not cut it”?? Unless he’s specifically said he doesn’t like that, plenty of people enjoy that as a date. I recently saw Casablanca in the theater and had a great time. Combine that with a tasty meal where we can chat about “deep” things, and that sounds like a wonderful night to me!
    My suggestion is to communicate with him. You can outright ask him what he’s been wanting to do or what he likes. Or listen to the things he’s said he’s into, and plan something around that. He into cars? Maybe go to a car show. He into art? Go to a museum.
    I follow a bunch of “social” pages on FB/Insta, so I see lots of events being posted. If I see something fun, I just ask if my date would like to go.

  11. I’d have to say April 25th. Because it’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.

  12. If you made it to relationship status, then you must know to some degree what kind of activities you both enjoy. Do those together.

  13. There are a few cool indoor crazy golf courses where I live, never fail to have fun there no matter how old you are

  14. Any kind really… If you two like each others company, even a long stroll with a picnic could be considered as a date.

  15. I love taking guys places they likely wouldn’t go with friends or alone, like the zoo or fruit picking. Can’t go wrong with a picnic (or hike and picnic). I took my now boyfriend to donate platelets with me early on and then we got food after.

  16. Shooting range. If you don’t have guns you can rent them, but the ammo they sometimes require you to buy is usually expensive
    And f you’ve never been I recommend a shooting class so you know how to safely operate a firearm

  17. One date I planned that was a huge hit was building Legos during brunch.

    I bought us both monster truck Legos and we built them at the table while we waited for food and after we were done. We raced to see who could get it done fastest. It also had to do the pull back to roll feature correctly.

    It was a lot of fun and people kept coming over to see what the hell we were doing and to root someone on.

    Similarly (different date) did an escape box at dinner once. But we had to work together to “get out”. Had fun solving puzzles, seeing how we worked together, etc.

    Both were talked about for a long time. They seemed to really enjoy it.

  18. Dates that incorporate his interests. Years ago I took a guy to mini golf and Thai food afterwards for dinner. I knew he loved golfing and Thai food. I love mini golf and he did too so it was something we both could enjoy. Even though I’m not a huge fan of regular golf, even a date at the driving range and then going to eat at a Thai restaurant would have sufficed.

    He will appreciate that you are paying attention to him and his interests and how thoughtful you are.

  19. The arcade. Two $10-$20 cards, see who can rack up the most points then pool them to buy something special / cheap.

  20. Dinner and a movie sounds great, especially if you pick both. I don’t care as long as the decision making is taken out of my hands occasionally.

  21. Take him out on a date doing something closer to your interests/something that you’re legitimately excited to share with me about you. Personally, I love seeing someone I care about excited when they’re in a space that they’re enthusiastic about.

  22. It sounds like you found a good match, happy for you.

    As a guy I’m pretty simple and really I just appreciate being appreciated. I think an amazing date would be to tell him to dress up and pick you up, then instead of going out surprise him with a cooked or take out meal, you dressed up and a candle. Some quality time and you just showing him you wanted a special night with him would really drive home that you care.

  23. Cooked breakfast somewhere nice (or at home). Then golf driving range, or shopping for me clothes, or other random activity, then posh tea/coffee with cakes, then a movie, then maybe a walk and bite to eat. Then out for a steak dinner. Then back home to bed.. but with like, really fluffy pillows, scented candles, etc.. you know..

  24. As a 35 man, it literally doesn’t matter. The place or activity of a date is irrelevant to me. What IS relevant and important to me, is that I get to spend time with you. Honestly, by you simply planning a date speaks volumes. I don’t think a lot of women have any idea how much that alone actually means to most men.

    What does he enjoy doing? what kind of things does he like to do or have interest in? Keep those in mind. But again, I don’t think it’s going to matter WHAT the date is.

    Also, what’s wrong with a nice relaxing dinner somewhere that you typically wouldn’t just go to, and then a movie? Just because we are in our thirties doesn’t mean we suddenly outgrew those things lol. It doesn’t have to be some fancy over the top date that is super exciting.

  25. Consider going on a date related to his interest. For example I dated a guy who was a history nerd and liked military vehicles and planes and ships, we went to an airforce museum. Dated someone who was into anime and all kinds of games, went to a pop up store and an arcade. Yes we were in our 30s in an arcade. Lol

  26. If you plan it or even better pay for it, I guarantee he will love it. Guys don’t forget things like that since they barely experience it. We often plan and pay for our dates. C’est la vie.

  27. I just set up a date with a new guy I’m seeing for this Saturday. Putt-putting (or mini-golf for non-regional people), hibachi for dinner, and the loser at golf pays for ice cream after dinner.

    He seems pretty excited. He’s brought it up three times this week already.

    As long as they’re doing something with you, they seem pretty happy and content. But you’re also gonna want to make sure you do something that tackles their interest. Good luck with your new beau!!

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