What’s your definition of a ‘high value man’ and are you interested in becoming one?

  1. High value to whom? My family is well provided for and I’m competent enough to provide my services on a self employed basis. Beyond that I’m pretty much self sufficient in terms of skills for most things, so I’m fairly valuable to myself and my immediate kin. I’m certainly high value to the UK inland revenue.

  2. I suppose it’s embedded in the question of asking for personal definition of a ‘high value man’, however, I would then say it kind of defeats the second part of the question insofar as anyone would be working towards their understanding of being a ‘high value man’. What is high value to me is naturally what I strive to be, but what I can see having a conceptual high value others might apricoate is a different question.

    It also begs the question as to whether one can have multiple context dependent versions and which they themselves decide to focus on. Some of the things I would consider of equal high value can be contradictory, so the question becomes which I decide to focus on, or consider of even higher value.

  3. The more female options a man has the higher value he is IMO. Supply and demand.

    To me it has nothing to do with morality or ethics.

    Bill Gates is a high value man, Hitler was a high value man, Drake is a high value man.

  4. It really depends on the perspective.

    To an employer, a “high value man” (or possibly even a woman), is a highly skilled individual, that is fine with working his ass off, for as little pay as possible.

    To another man, it would be a good, honest individual, that one can depend on.

    To a woman (in context of romantic relationships), it will probably be someone who is moderately (or according to dating apps, incredibly) attractive, hopefully not abusive and earns a decent paycheck.

  5. That term implies there’s a “market value,” which really cheapens the role of interpersonal compatibility, spark, chemistry, and whatnot.

    I don’t need to be a high value man, I need to find a woman who highly values the kind of man I am. Now, does that mean there’s no room for self-improvement? Of course not. But I want to be the best version of me, not mould myself into a one-size-fits-all platonic ideal of what a man should be.

  6. I suppose it’s someone that, in some meaningful way, has the combination of success, experiences and inherent traits (physical attractiveness, interesting personality) that goes beyond merely adequate and makes them enticing to know (whether professionally or personally).

    Am I interested, personally no. That ship has sailed, and as much as it hurts to say I know I am fundamentally a loser and a fuckup, and that’s how it is. If I was going to move beyond that, if I really felt the drive to be better, I would have done so by now.

  7. A “high value man” is a construction of the second wave of online masculinity grifters. As the grift heavily relies on notions of personal responsibility, they frequently encourage their marks through specific calls to action. These calls to action are easier to understand if they push the mark towards some aspirational end goal. The “high value man” is the abstraction of the aspirational figure that their calls to action ostensibly produce, while the grifters themselves are the physical embodiment of it. Most often, it is simply a rebranding of “alpha male” in economic terms.

    The concept has no backing in any academic research; there are no social theories which define it, no empirical research to support the conclusions that they are somehow better equipped in modern dating, unlike the mythical “alpha male” it doesn’t even have a counterpart in the animal kingdom that the grifters can nebulously link to some evolutionary imperative. It’s just a thing made up by people who want to sell you ideology wrapped in dating advice.

  8. I just need to be of a higher value than the man next to me in order to succeed over him.

  9. Seeing some fresh n fit vids lately?

    I think the easiest, most basic, broad, way to define it is:

    Men envy you, women want to have sex with you.

    Everything else is in context to the situations that would give others those views about you.

    Outside of this, if everyone has their own definition, then there really is no point in this term.

    I’m only interested in being my best self at the end of the day. I could care less what others, outside of my circle, think of me.

  10. Yeah, I don’t like talking about people as if they’re real estate.

  11. I only care about my value to me. Being me, my value to me is immeasurable.

  12. Yes. But, not for others. I want to become a high value man for my own sake.

  13. this became a thing ever since people like Andrew tate took over the Internet . so the term hits me as something negative/toxic in a sense where it means a rich man who can have any woman he wants because he’s an alpha and a provider. but my definition of it if i had to make one up is i guess a man who knows what he wants and knows his positive points and negative ones . someone who doesn’t fuck around or cares much about fitting in a societal box.

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