I have plenty of friends, all I have texted before and held a conversation which. Even though it seems like they enjoy my presence and the Convo (no matter how cringe it was looking back on it) none ever text me first. I always initiate. A lot of my friends are female, as I was raised homeschooled, and was in a theatre program where I met most my friends. But I just want to know what could I be doing wrong that makes no one wants to text me. In person I feel really popular and have made amazing memories.

  1. When texting you don’t know if the person is busy, so some people don’t initiate texts because they think they will be disrupring whatever the person is doing.

    Irl they tend to see if you are busy, so they feel safer initiating.

    Also, some people prefer irl interactions rather than text ones. And some older folks still remember when people weren’t aviable 24/7, so they tend to give people space if they are not meeting irl.

    Also, vocal communication is faster and might feel more free/spontaneous than textual one and thus is easier to do for some people.

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