I’m a poor story-teller. The idea of me speaking about something for more than two minutes is scary on its own, let alone narrate a whole story. My story telling skills are weak also due to poor memory in the sequencing of plot lines. I might give out unnecessary and irrelevant details. What would be the storytelling 101 and improve overall clarity and concision in speech?

1 comment
  1. Know your audience: Tailor your story to the audience you’re telling it to. What might resonate with one group of people may not with another.

    Use vivid descriptions: Use descriptive language to create vivid mental images in your listeners’ minds. This helps them visualize the story and become more invested in it.

    Create a strong opening: Grab your audience’s attention from the start with a strong opening that sets the tone for your story.

    Use emotion: Incorporate emotions into your story to help connect with your audience. Use facial expressions and gestures to convey emotion and add depth to your storytelling.

    Practice pacing: Vary the pacing of your story to create tension and keep your audience engaged. Slow down for important moments and speed up during action-packed scenes.

    Use dialogue: Incorporate dialogue into your story to make it more engaging and interactive. This can help bring your characters to life and make them more relatable.

    Practice storytelling regularly: The more you practice, the more natural storytelling will become. Practice telling stories to friends and family, and consider joining a storytelling group to get feedback and tips from other storytellers.

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