Me (m23) and my gf (f24) have been together for 2 years and lived together for 1 year I am her first boyfriend. For a while now she has been gaining weight at a alarming rate and I’m not ashamed to admit I’m finding her less attractive the bigger she gets as well as her unhealthy eating causes other problems like we can go on long walks because she gets out of breath easily and tired. She always complains the second she gets home that she is tired, feels ill, has a headache ect. I have tried to gently tell her of my concerns and tried to encourage her to lose weight or eat healthier but still all she does is snack all night long on junk. To add to that issue we have 2 cats, 1 cat is hers which she spoils and loves and he is a lovely cat (m1) . My cat is a 4yo ex stud sphynx I rescued he’s extremely loving but because of his previous owner he does have issues like he breaks into the kitchen to steal food and he meows very loud for your attention or when he wants to be fed and when he behaves like this my girlfriend will kick him away, shout at him call him names, push him violently off the sofa or male me lock him in a crate. Sometimes he doesn’t even do anything wrong for her to do these things.

What do I do from here because trying to be nice and express my concerns of these 2 issues to her gently so far haven’t gotten me anywhere

  1. Living with her exposed the real her, this is how life with her is, and you don’t like it, cut your losses and go back to being single.

  2. When is the lease up? Can somebody else watch your cat for a while while you deal with your girlfriend?

  3. Well as far as gaining weight,,,,, what would you do if it was you gaining weight ,, would she be mean to you….. But as her being mean to you cat ,,, she needs to go ,, if my husband was mean to my dogs.. I divorce his ass. Remember you pick your cat to live with you . It had no choice

  4. It is best to talk with her. It is clear that her true personality is starting to show for things she feels she has no attachments to. As for the eating, she is getting comfortable with and looking at it, you will accept her no matter how she looks. In both cases, it’s best to talk to her before it’s too late.

  5. Yea, so that’s animal abuse and is one of the things I will not tolerate at all. It is okay to have boundaries and put your foot down if someone crosses them. Do not let you or your cat be a doormat anymore. It sounds like she has some mental health and possibly physical health issues going on, and she needs to seek medical attention. You need to decide whether you give her a final ultimatum to get help or just end it. Either way, enough with being gentle because she’s certainly not being gentle to your harmless cat.

  6. Tell her “I hate how you abuse my cat, I can’t live with you anymore” and just go. You moved in way too fast with someone, especially someone without any former experience in relationships.

  7. dump her or ghost her. take your cat with you and don’t ever get back with her the fat mole.

  8. don’t try sorting it with her you won’t get anywhere she sounds like a psycho and she will only get worse the longer u stay

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