Hello All,

So my girlfriend and I have been together for about 2 years, and over the last few months, things became a little rocky. There was a lot of “attachment” on her part, never wanting to really do anything. When I’d be out with my friends, she would literally sit home all the time. I’d invite her to the gym, she doesn’t want to go. Her friends gossip and are on social media all day so it’s no wonder she wants to hang out with them. I asked if there were any mental issues she said no.

Long story short, I decided I wanted to just have some space to think and be alone for a while, not a break up or anything like that, just to see if she would change a bit and want to do things, nothings changed. While going through this process I’ve been off of social media, but I happened to log on today to see that she has been posting subliminal messages online about this period of our relationship. It’s stupid quotes and memes, and I am afraid it makes me look like the bad guy in a sense. I let her know that I didn’t like it and I asked her if these were about me and she stated that they weren’t. So I asked, who’s attention are you trying to grab because to me it makes no sense. I also asked one of her friends how long it has been going on? And they said around the same time we’ve been in this patch.

To me it’s very immature, to me because no one it’s supposed to know what we are going through. I haven’t even told my friends about it yet, it seems like she told all of our friends through social media. What does she get out of it?

TL,DR: Girlfriend and I going through rough patch, she posts about it on social media, it makes me upset, I want my space. How should
I approach this?

  1. There is nothing inherently wrong with her posting her troubles on social media. All the worlds a stage. She can use it as she see’s fit.

  2. So she’s vaguebooking.

    >To me it’s very immature

    It is, indeed, very immature. Do you think you can spend the rest of your life in this relationship?

  3. I would say that you could ask her to stop posting about you, but she doesn’t agree that they *are* about you, so that won’t work. I would instead stay away from her social media pages while you’re on your break.

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