
im a guy in a group of girls for a college public policy class group project. There’s a girl (lets call her Kate) and 3 others. The other three were always super friendly and talkative with me and I had the feeling they just saw me as a friend (found out I was right because they all had a bf). Kate on the other hand was always less talkative/more shy with me than the other girls. Also, whenever she smiled at me, she seemed reaally happy (moreso than when the other girls smiled at me). There were a couple moments between us that I found a bit odd that none of the others really did or acted like:

* she once texted me for homework help. I offered to check answers through a phonecall. She agreed, but instead, she facetimed me. It seemed odd cuz I explicitly said we can phonecall and usually when I’ve checked answers with others, we always phonecall cuz there’s no need to see each others faces. During the FaceTime, she was talking about how she did bad on her math test once, and I was thinking maybe she’s trynna start a convo instead of just checking answers or otherwise she’d try to wrap up the call? Also she was in her bed with pajamas and makeup on and idk if girls usually even keep makeup on when they are in their homes/towards night (it was 9pm).
* Another time when our group was on a zoom call, I asked a question and said “oh” and Kate for some reason asked “why did you say oh like that” …it seemed like she was trynna poke fun at me or be a bit flirty…idk?

Anyways, here’s the thing…later in the semester, I caught feelings for her. I asked my best friend what he thought of her and he became infatuated. He asked me to set me up with her. I not knowing how to tell him/feeling bad about telling him no and that I already liked her…..said YES! I actually went and told her about how my friend had the same interests as her that she should meet my friend and she was like “ill let you know”. She never texted me back. My friend kept pushing me to text her and ask her “hey are you still interested in meeting my friend”. I told him I didn’t feel comfortable to just randomly text her a week later with that, so he asked me to ask all of them if they are taking summer classes (since he was)…. so I thought of saying farewell in the group chat and later ask what everyone is doing for the summer where I could subtly mention that my friend is also taking summer classes and that they could meet. I said farewell and all the girls responded to me and told me they would miss me and mentioned if they were doing summer class or not….except Kate. I noticed that she saw my text but didnt respond at all. I had a feeling she actually liked me and I wanted to find out until I screwed myself over by promising my friend to set them up. He’s my best friend and I dont want him to resent me, but I feel horrible that I just threw away this opportunity…I even playfully teased him a lot that shell become his gf when I was waiting for her to text me on whether she wanted to meet him or not….I feel like an asshole. Two questions: Do you guys think she actually liked me or is it hard to tell and What can I do at this point? I feel like I can do two things: tell both of them the truth but risk ruining my friendship and having him resent me OR just forget about all of this, dont tell anyone anything and just move on with life

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