Hello fom Thailand,

I’m planning to pursuing a master’s degree at a university in Utah or Wisconsin (both are still a White majority state with a bit of black and very low Asian population) in the future due to lower cost of living compared to California or New England region with a good education. However, I’m super insecured my height at 5’7 1/2″, aka 5’8″ on shoes since I read the average height for a young male is 5’11” (I’m almost 4 inch shorter!) and I also have a Thai female cousin (5’8″) living in Florida, she told me she generally feel short among young White/Black American men…

I mean I don’t want to be treated like a male elementary school student there! Thanks.

  1. It’s on the shorter end but I wouldn’t consider it super short. Just like kinda short.

  2. No one is going to notice or care. Are you planning on carrying a height measuring rod around your entire stay and walking around with it lamenting over genes you can’t control? Men come in all shapes and sizes. Big whoop

  3. Statistically speaking, I consider a majority of American men short, because I am of above average height.

  4. You’re in the range of normal height and you shouldn’t worry about it at all.

  5. Lack of height can be solved by having a personality. Dudes shorter than yourself are getting laid on the regular by real babes.

  6. I mean, that’s short but it’s not *ridiculously* short. I got a bunch of friends who are 5’8″. They don’t feel out of place about it, at least as far as I know

    If you feel really insecure about it, get yourself a nice pair of cowboy boots with a fowler or riding heel

  7. >I mean I don’t want to be treated like a male elementary school student there!

    Don’t act like one and you’ll be fine

  8. 5 8 is not an odd height for a man in the US. You wouldn’t stick out at all.

    Average also doesn’t mean everyone is that, you will have a large amount below it.

  9. I’m 6’3” and even though that puts me above average by a fair amount I never really notice anyone as being short. It’s just sort of “normal human height” unless they are well below 5’8” because most people I meet are at least a bit shorter than me.

    Now when I meet people taller than me I notice because it’s rare.

    But the big takeaway is I just don’t give a rip. Your height has absolutely no bearing on you as a person.

  10. I think 5 ft 7 is a little short, sure. But I wouldn’t expect to be treated any differently at that height. Especially for an Asian or Hispanic person.

    There was a local story recently about our Best Buy being robbed by two suspects who were around 5 ft tall. Our community Facebook group was in hysterics laughing about how easily identifiable they would be. Sure enough they were apprehended within 24 hours.

    Even in dating though, I wouldn’t expect someone 5 foot 7 to have any trouble based on their height alone. Might even be easier since whoever that matters to will weed themselves out.

  11. 5’6″ white guy here. Anybody who cares about your height can go pound sand. You think anybody gives Joe Pesci a hard time about being 5’4″? When you walk into a room, you walk in there like you own the place. But seriously, nobody of any consequence cares.

  12. 5’8” is below average but not short enough that I would say a person of that height is short.

  13. You’ll be considered to be on the shorter side, but not super short. People won’t really care or treat you differently though.

    The only place it might affect you is in the dating world here, but even then plenty of shorter men get dates. My boyfriend is 5’9”.

  14. There are people of all heights. 5’8” is not exactly elementary school child size. I think 5’ 9” is the more average height for men.

    I am a 5’4” female. I am shorter than a lot of women I know but 5’ 4” is supposed to be average here. My husband is maybe 3” inches taller than me. He is shorter than some guys but no one treats him like a child.

  15. LMAO 5’8 is really not short and you will not be treated like an elementary school student. if you were like 5’1 and had a baby face i guess you might?

    i’m white and 5’9 and 132 lbs (60 kg) and i never get made fun of for that. granted, i’m gay so it might be a little different but still

    you can’t control your height so don’t worry about it. i know a woman who’s 6’1”

  16. Shorter, but not alarming. Please do not base your choice of school or state on this particular fact. Considering aspects of the school or the cultural fit of the place would be more important than height.

    To be clear, there actually is a notable Hmong population in Wisconsin. The Hmong folks tend to be on the shorter side, so it’s not like anybody’s gonna be shocked at the idea of a shorter SE Asian guy. No one will seriously think you are an elementary school student.

    However some people might assume you are Chinese or be otherwise ignorant.

  17. You aren’t tall, but you’re still kind of in that average range.

    Below 5’ 6” is probably where men start to get the “little” tag.

    You’ll still be taller than most women.

  18. This man is 2 inches taller than me and asking if he’ll get treated like a child.

    Average height for an American man is around 5ft9. You will look normal. Even if it were 5ft11, you would be short, but not ridiculously short. Where did you get that average height was 5ft11?

    Edit: what are these responses… he’s slightly below average height for an American man. In Thailand, is every man’s height so consistent that being two inches off makes everybody look down and tease you?

    You are literally an average sized man. If you wanted to date, there’s that 6ft or taller trope, but you said you didn’t care about that.

    No idea why so many people are saying that if you are 5ft6, you need a personality or you look ridiculous. 5ft6 isn’t comically short.

  19. Stop dwelling on it. You’re an average height and no one is going to look at you like a sideshow for being an inch below the average height lol. Seriously, don’t get in your head about it.

    Nobody’s going to be expecting you to dunk a basketball, but no one’s going to spend time calculating your height or thinking about it.

  20. You’re a little shorter than average but not disproportionately short where you’ll feel entirely too short.

  21. For what it’s worth:

    – I’m 6’3″, my brother is 5’8″. I don’t think of him as short in the slightest.

    – I can’t recall a time where I thought less of a person cause of their height.

    – There are shallow women that put some 6′ minimum marker for guys they’d date. I’d say anyone who puts height as a minimum marker, other than a carnival ride, is not worth the time to talk to.

    – Shorter people have it good. I can reach stuff on the top shelf. That’s about it. I can’t comfortably drive a lot of fun cars (I physically got stuck in a lotus Elise once), airplanes suck, etc.

    -My wife’s family are giants. She’s 5’8″ and the smallest person in her (biological) family. Her brother is 6’5″ and three of her cousins are 6’6+. Her adopted uncle is like 5’4″ and is generally one of the more respected people in the family.

  22. your height will almost never come up. unless you bring it up im sure.

  23. I wouldn’t worry too much about your height, honestly. While it’s true that the average height for young males in those states might be around 5’11”, there’s still a lot of variation, and you’ll find plenty of people who are shorter or taller than you. Being 5’8″ might be slightly below average, but it’s not “super short” by any means.

    When it comes to pursuing your master’s degree and living in a new state, I think people will be more focused on your academic performance, passion for your field, and getting to know you as a person rather than your height. Plus, the university environment is usually diverse and welcoming, so you’ll likely meet people from all walks of life.

    In short, don’t stress too much about your height. Focus on your education and enjoy your time in the US! Good luck with your studies!

  24. 5’8 is short. That’s pretty much it. It’s not crazy short, it’s not like a standout short, you’re just kinda short.

    You could also literally throw on certain shoes like a Nike air or something that will make you look a bit taller if you really wanted.

    You’ll be completely fine

  25. I’m 5’8″ and white. Most people are barely taller than us. Anyone that judges you based on your appearance isn’t someone who’s opinion should be valued greatly.

  26. 5′ 11″ seems tall for an average height. When i see someone that height i feel like they are taller than the majority of other men.

  27. 5’8” is not all that short. I’m 5’5” and it’s never been a big deal (except for the time and expense on getting pants hemmed). I’ve also always quite liked my height and I think that does make a difference. Also, you are talking about being in a University environment. You’ll typically see a much wider range of heights and races than the ‘average’ for the states themselves.
    Sorry to have to type this, but I would recommend doing some research around the type and frequency of Anti-Asian incidents. Racism is pretty in fashion these days.
    Finally, STOP reading and responding to messages from women complaining about not being with any Short Kings. They are just being mean.

  28. You’ll be ok. I’m a fully grown 5’2 dude. People absolutely do discriminate based on height, but it tends to only be noticeable when one is very, very short. The most I’ve had to deal with is the standard disbelief at my age, awkward questions, and people insisting I can’t help them despite it being my literal job.

    A girl I knew with dwarfism had to deal with much worse- creepy comments, people insisting she needed her parents permission for anything, etc.

    But you’ll be fine. You’re 2 in shorter than US average. That is nothing.

  29. Super short? No. A little shorter than average? Sure.

    Not a big enough difference to stick out generally unless you’re trying out for the NBA

  30. Within my own family, their kids that are 5’8″ and kids that are 6 ‘2″. Nobody really thinks that much about it.

    There’s guys way shorter and way taller.

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