I \[27/M\] have something of a crush on a girl \[22/F\] at work. I’m pretty confident that she likes me as well, but I personally have a no dating co-workers rule and I’ve decided to wait until this job is no longer between us to ask her out.

She’s fairly shy around everyone at work. She’s clearly very introverted, but that hasn’t stopped her from occasionally going out of her way to talk to me every now and then. That said, eye contact is still something she sometimes avoids when we cross paths. I know it’s probably because of her shy and quiet nature, but my anxiety tells me it’s because she no longer likes me and I have to deal with that a lot. Just today, we were walking towards each other down a hallway and she avoided eye contact with me as I looked at her. But in the past when she’s avoided eye contact, she would look away to the side, but this time, she looked down as she walked past me.

I know this may seem minor and nothing to worry about, but I remember reading some type of body language guide and I read that avoiding eye contact by looking to the side means that you’re avoiding eye contact with someone because you like them, but looking down means you’re avoiding their gaze because you’re not interested. I was wondering if that rings true. I feel that I might be overreacting to nothing, but I don’t know for sure. It’s been bugging me all day and I don’t know what to do. How can I stop worrying about this?

tldr: Analyzing my crush avoiding eye contact with me.

  1. You are reading too much into things and it’s coming off as creepy. Eye contact doesn’t hold as much stock as you think it does.

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