What is the longest amount of time you have been single after a relationship?

  1. 4 1/2 years roughly? Didn’t really count. I don’t need to date someone in order to be happy with my life.

  2. I was single for 7-8 months between my first and second relationships.

    Then again 7-8 months from my second relationship (8.5 years), to my current relationship. I met my now boyfriend and did not anticipate it turning into a relationship but he kept surprising me by doing everything right

  3. It’s been about 8 years, I think. My longest so far with no sign of ending soon.

  4. 5 years, after a 3 year relationship. Gave myself a good long break and enjoyed the remains of my twenties. I am with someone new now for 3.5 years, very happy

  5. About twenty years. I sorely regret getting into the relationship I foolishly ended the hiatus for. Thankfully it is over; I don’t think I will ever bother to date again.

  6. I am still single 9 years after my last relationship and perfectly content with it.

  7. Never, but I’m polyamorous so it’s kind of a different scale. I’ve been in the range of seeing 1 person up to 6 at the same time.

  8. Rn I feel extremely weird because I’ve never really been single for a long time…

    First relationship was from age 15-19
    Second relationship started around 7 months later and lasted until this year (age 19-27)
    I’ve been single for about 3 months now and it feels so weird… I don’t like it

  9. Right now, almost 5 and I don`t think I`m gonna have sex or date ever again.

  10. 1 and a half years, on purpose, to focus on school and heal. Honestly, I highly recommend. I wish I stayed single instead of getting with my next boyfriend who turned out to be a train wreck.

  11. I was a serial relationship person basically from 14-26. Then I took 2.5 years to myself and that was the longest

  12. Around 8-9 between serious relationships. I had a couple of shorter-term ones in the middle.

  13. 6 months truly single followed by another 6 months of a situationship before my partner I became “official.” I was never specifically looking for relationships, I kind of just fell into them with people I had known for a long time already.

  14. I left an abusive relationship in 2008 and didn’t get into another relationship until 2016. I still wasn’t fully healed from my previous relationship, so that just crashed and burned after about 2 years of on-and-off BS. My current relationship started in 2021 and is going very well.

  15. Three years after my divorce. I was too busy raising a toddler to date!

  16. One year today & it’s bc he passed away , definitely not by my choice

  17. From 17-21 I was single with a few flings here and there. I’m 30 now and haven’t been single since… it feels weird to think about!

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