I’ve been crushing on this guy since forever. We’re acquaintances but at this point we study together everyday bc we have exams coming up. I randomly asked him if he wasn’t in med school rn where would he be and he was like “Basic sciences” and I asked him what would he study there, he said he wasn’t sure but he knew he’d be there so I went like “Or you could go into the entertainment industry. You could model… You’ve got the looks.” He laughed and said “I’m flattered but I don’t think I’ve got the looks.” So I said “But you’re really attractive. I think so.” and he was like “I look in the mirror everyday.” So I looked at his eyes and went like “No, you’ve got really pretty eyes” then I looked at his nose and said “and a straight nose” (I wish I had worded this part better so bad!!) at this point he had turned his face away from me so as to hide it and was laughing so I finished it with “and nice lips.” After that he looked at me again and we were both staring at each other then I got nervous and said “Anyways, I should go. I’m getting late for class” and left. I basically don’t know what to make of this. I still don’t know if he sees me as a friend or if he’s open to dating but I’m still so happy!! This was my first time making a move like this and I was so scared but I did it anyway. It didn’t go half as bad as I thought it would. I feel so cool and brave!! I’m so fucking proud of myself!! I hope he’s into me too but I really don’t know what to think.

Edit: Thank you for all the awards, upvotes and comments. I didn’t think I’d get more than 12 lol. 💕

  1. Well let me tell you that you just made his day, and he will never forget it. We as guys never get compliments but when we do we never forget lol.

  2. Awe. That was sweet. I would just act normal after this. Youvealready flirted. Its his turn.

  3. Go talk to him again and just be friendly and inviting. He should respond. (Unless he’s really shy, but it doesn’t sound like he is.)

  4. That’s awesome! That feeling of doing something that you’ve always wanted to have the courage to do is the best!!! Ride that confidence high!!!

  5. Sounds like he has fairly low self esteem. A person who responds this way is also the kind of person who would think “A girl that awesome couldn’t possibly be into me, she was just being nice”

    You are going to have to lay your cards on the table. VERY DIRECTLY.

    AS IN : “I’m really into you, would you be interested in going on a date?” level direct

  6. A girl at a Taco Bell drive through, back in 1995, told me I had nice eyes. I still remember.

  7. I stalked ur profile and u keep asking about himm. Just dooooo it OP ! If that was his reply he is probably thinking about it until now. You won’t lose anything just ask him. Some guys are super clueless and some don’t want the risk of rejection

  8. Hope it works out for you. In my experience you tell someone you’re attracted to them that’s the end of the friendship. 🥹

  9. I think you did extremely good job. The guy is gonna find that as really kind thing you’ve done at least, and at least you’ve made someone’s day. But that’s at least, it might ąs well lead into dating and successful relationship. So again, well done!

  10. Aces!! I love it. I’m rooting for you to get together if that’s what you want out of it… but if not, at the very least you might have very well changed the way he thinks of himself from now on. As in, I could see him looking back at this moment in a daydream and just smiling really big to himself. Great job!

  11. That was probably the first compliment he got all year.. he definitely appreciated it men don’t get complimented much

  12. Some people just don’t understand hints, or somewhat insecure and might think you were just super friendly. Basically you can’t really know, and should just make the move and ask him on a date, thst way you will know for sure!
    I know you have the courage 🙂

  13. He’ll be thinking about this on his deathbed for sure. Genuine compliments like that stick with people (especially guys)

  14. You made him uncomfortable because he is used to hearing the opposite. People act like a guy’s baseline is not hearing compliments but they ignore that it’s mostly just putdowns. He just didn’t know what to say. Act normal and try again. Your guy is gonna be a slow and tough nut to crack.

  15. I feel like he’s the kind of guy (most guys) to not get this hint LMAO it should be obvious but most of us would get in our head and talk ourselves out of it like “no I must be interpreting things wrong she could never like me”

    Gotta be even more direct probably lol, good luck!!!

  16. Considering what you just wrote, I think it’s safe to assume he understood you’re into him. I hope he asks you out! I’m rooting for you 🙂

  17. If only every woman was that direct while flirting, not too much but not so little that it just looks like normal conversation.
    And the funny thing is he probably went home that day and couldn’t think of anything else and tried to find any flaw possible to think you probably didn’t mean anything by it.
    We men are amazing at that.

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