How would you feel about dating a conservative?

  1. We would probably not be able to have very good deep conversations about the things that are important to me. Don’t think I would feel understood overall

  2. Abso-fucking-lutely not. Their values are almost directly opposite with my own, and I find the vast majority of conservatives I’ve met to be pretty unpleasant to be around, never mind date.

  3. Feels like I wouldn’t be dating them. But also feels like I’m happy to know sooner rather than later so no one’s time is wasted.

  4. I usually don’t like people who identifies fully with any ideology. But I would still be open to give it a shot, some people just throw around labels because it’s easiest that way, so there’s still a chance they could be on the slightly more nuanced side of things.

  5. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t be with somebody who I fundamentally disagree with on so many things, including basic human rights and common welfare.

  6. Not interested in dating someone who doesn’t care about others and also is for removing rights from women and LGTBQ+ folks

  7. I would never date one, because conservatives where I live in the US have aligned themselves with Nazi values. They are actively trying to make sure queer and trans people die.

  8. I’d say “I would literally rather die” but most conservatives would love for people like me to die.

    I’d never date one of them.

  9. Why would you date someone affiliated with the party who actively hates women? Do you hate yourself?

  10. absolutely not, immediate deal breaker. i am poc, trans, and gay, it’s not going to work out and i’m not going to even try to make it work out.

  11. I wouldn’t mind, as long as they’re not unkind. Same goes for liberals 🙂

  12. Nope. Absolutely not. I would not date anyone who is not 100% supportive of my trans relatives and a woman’s right to an abortion.

  13. I truly just wouldn’t. If they have SOME right winged values that have more to do with financials, then ok. But if they’re actively voting right when abortion rights, women’s rights, and LGBTQ+ rights are on the line, then absolutely not. My ex didn’t vote at all and that even bothered me.

  14. I’m married to someone that tends towards conservative values, so yeah. But he’s not a republican and he’s not political involved.

  15. Under no circumstances We wouldn’t agree about anything and I could not love a misogynist

  16. depends on how intense and what their actual beliefs and values are. i wouldn’t date a radical anything whether they be far left or far right

  17. I feel like men want to be conservative and date liberal leaning women. Women, myself included, would rather be alone forever than be in that arrangement.

  18. Never. Not even a moderate or someone who “isn’t political” at this point.

  19. I would never date one. Aside from political values not historically aligning, if you are still a conservative after the past few years, I associate you with devaluing anyone who isn’t straight and white and male.

  20. I would, because I want a family-oriented man. I’m a conservative myself (socially), but not politically

    Feel free to downvote me, but people need to realize how the media/online shows more of an extremist view and stereotypes against both liberals and conservatives. Most people in real life seem to be moderate (not centrist) in their beliefs from my experience. Conservative doesn’t automatically mean fascist, racist, and misogynist, or republican (I’m not from USA so please don’t associate me with republicans since they are embarrassing). It also doesn’t mean authoritarian like enforcing one’s values on someone else (like I wouldn’t do an abortion but I don’t have a problem if someone else has safe access to do it if they choose to, and my voting will reflect that).

  21. I am a conservative, so that’s fine. There’s a range to conservatism just like any other political ideology, I don’t assume how anyone stands on any issue just because of which party they lean toward.

  22. I am a conservative, so definitely would go for one. Mainly due to the idea that I’d preferably have a man with similar values instead of going for a progressive. Less drama you know?

  23. Wouldn’t be able to. I’m queer and have many trans friends – not to mention, I’m a woman – and conservatives actively fight against me and my friends’ very existence, freedom, and livelihood. That’s indefensible and so conservatives are not part of my dating pool and never will be.

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