I’ve just mow the lawn for the very first time (not my garden being moved for the first time but me doing it).
Not perfect but good effort for my first time. The edges against my small wall was difficult, I did use a shrimmer thing to help .

  1. I’m taking me theory test for the first time in a couple of weeks?

    Last thing I did for the first time was pass my motorcycle CBT.

  2. I used a chainsaw for the first time at the weekend. You feel very manly chopping a tree up but are also acutely aware of how little safety gear there is between the chain and your arteries

  3. Used a little saw to cut a tiny piece of wood. First ever attempt at woodwork and it wouldn’t impress anyone else but made me happy.

  4. Made a claim through third party’s insurance. Hopefully will be the last time too, what a royal pain in the arse

  5. Today, I made some shorts out of old jeans, using a sewing machine, for the first time.

  6. I took the rusted chain off my sons bike and replaced it with a well lubed new one, used a potato and soap with a wire brush to remove the rust off the cassettes (genuinely a miracle worker, and cool as shit to clean!) wiki how, a couple of youtube videos and a pair of rubber garden gloves all helped.

    Had to buy a chain tool from halfords and do some weird magic to make it work, elbow grease too. Mainly the wee handle for the ring doorbell tool so I didn’t break my hand muscles turning the angry metal things.

    Pumped the types up too cos it’d been sat for a good long while in the garden unused.

    I also rode the bike up and down the street whilst shouting “look at mummy [sons name] see mummy riding the bike?? Look!” When he’d went back inside immediately after laughing at me clambering on the buggering thing 😭

    Have been banging on about it for the past 3 days to anyone who’ll listen, proud as punch of myself for doing the chain and being able to ride the thing ha!

  7. Used an SDS drill to drill a hole into some stubborn Victorian era brickwork.

    Like a hot knife through butter.

  8. Totalled my car, wouldn’t recommend it as an experience.

    This is the part where I say ‘thankfully nobody was hurt’.

  9. I bought a game on release day for the first time in my life (mid-30s). Tears of the Kingdom is sublime, delighted with my decision!

  10. While used to regular 5+ mile walks, the ascents are usually only around 50m, but yesterday I hiked my first decent hill at the grand age of 54!

    Only ~400m high, but it was a pretty steep climb which we managed in a very sweaty hour – followed by a 2-hour gentler descent. Very enjoyable trek.

  11. I made my own soup. The gf had a nutri bullet doing nothing and I saw a cheap recipe on line that looked nice. Tried it, amended it slightly and it was delicious.

  12. Won a debate on the side that was clearly going to lose. Downside was I had to argue against water being a human right. Ah well, a win is a win

  13. I ate cheese and onion crisps for the first time last week, because every time I get a 12 pack of walkers crisps, there are 3 packs of them in it, and no one eats them and I’ve always “not liked them” without ever actually trying them, so i figured I should find out if I actually like them because there are about 30 packs of them in the cupboard.

    And I do like them, so that’s a ridiculous amount of years I’ve wasted irrationally disliking something.

  14. Invigilated a GCSE exam, which I did on Monday.

    Very boring, wouldn’t recommend!

  15. Had honey in my coffee instead of sugar. It was a trick played on me by a friend as I was against even trying it.

    Wow it tasted lush!!!

  16. Made a chain. I’m learning crochet at the moment and have had a lot of trouble with the coordination but finally managed to do a small chain.

    Very pleased with myself, though I know it’s supposed to be easy

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