Women of Reddit, how do you deal with the fact that deep down you are not a happy person, if this applies to you?

  1. I have learned to embrace optimism so yes I recognized that deep down I have gone through a lot, but I have learned to accept what I cannot change and change what I can

  2. I fluctuate between hoping I become rich and wanting to die because I’m too depressed to do what it takes to get rich. And by rich I mean enough to live comfortably and pay of my debt.

  3. I walk around in oversized hoodies and cry lol. Today, I was with someone else and I don’t even know what were talking about all day because I was so spaced out. All I think about is hurting myself or “sewer slide” but there’s nothing I can do about it and I just have to pretend I’m ok.

  4. I’m completely fine with not being happy constantly, and I would never put that kind of pressure on myself. We all have high and low moments.

    If I never felt happiness, I hope that I would seek therapy for myself or that my loved ones would intervene and get me help if I couldn’t seek help for myself, because never feeling happy sounds like a serious depression.

  5. Therapy. Seriously.

    I have a Pandora’s Box of sadness and anger. My friends help a lot but I need an outsider that won’t say anything just to appease me of my bullshit. People like us can’t be fixed but we can allow safety nets.

  6. Oh, but that crap was never deep down for me. Communication is top priority in my family and if that includes making it known when I’m upset about something. 💯

    I’ve done a lot of therapy, too.

  7. For a long time I was living for other people more than I was for myself. To quote Neil Hilborn, Life was kind of like watching a movie that was never quite bad enough to make me exit the theatre.

    Some days are really good and I’ve found things I’m passionate about and they bring me joy. I have people that I love and they love me. I live for them and try to keep moving forward until the next good day rolls around that isn’t so bleak.

  8. I relate to this probably not in the intended meaning. I’m not depressed or necessarily unhappy with my life but I don’t feel like I’m a happy person in general. I feel like something has to MAKE me happy, not just a day to day happiness. I’m a more serious person I guess and I get more enjoyment out of serious conversations than normal happy ones. I consider myself content more than happy. I always wonder if people just lie about happiness or if it’s just me. For example people always say the birth of their children was the happiest day of their life. I love my child and she makes me a happier person than I’ve ever been but the day she was born was the most stressful and miserable days I’ve ever had.

  9. I remind myself that life isn’t so black and white. There are lots of shades of gray in between happy and sad, and not all of it is terrible. I also recognize and appreciate the happier moments for what they are and continue looking for opportunities to manifest them.

  10. Deep denial and aggressive approach to the more people pleasing aspects of my nature. I pepper in sarcasm and have open and honest relationship with my coworkers.

    As an example, I worked a double today so I was a bit cutting and sarcastic with a coworker. I did genuinely apologize for being “spicy”, to which another coworker cut me off and said, “it’s been a long day, this is your spicy day. Do it.” I know that they know I love them. They know that this is not my default. We love each other and accept that sometimes we just need to have a shitty day. We have each others backs no matter what. Because today it’s them, but tomorrow it’s you.

  11. Well I have kids So the only choice I have is to grin and bear it 🤷🏻‍♀️

  12. Wait it out. My darkest point was @ 15. I told myself it has to get better and it did. Now it’s even better than the day before. Although I do prefer a lil Mary Jane to help, due to my career I have to put it on pause and don’t want to resort to prescribed pills. Birth control is enough for me. So i always remind myself it has to get better, bc if it didn’t then I wouldn’t even be trying to make it better

  13. On the outside, a lot of sarcasm and dark humor.

    On the inside, I’m screaming and crying constantly.

  14. I definitely need some therapy. I make dark jokes and inside I wanna scream in a field and cry. I also listen to an angry workout playlist usually and feel better and try to get into the sunlight. That makes me feel like a person

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