I have this weird thing in my life where my social skills will go through phases, like I will have a 4-5 month stretch where I’m able to talk to everyone and talk to my friends normally and make them laugh and have fun, but then I go through other bad phases where I don’t want to really hangout with anyone because I feel like I have nothing to say and I’m not interesting.

Ppl try to hang out w me recently and I just sorta blow them off because having to keep a conversation going with someone atp is terrifying 2me. I guess I’m just worried and overthinking but it’s very strange how this is such a common occurence, it’s like a switch in my brain that I can’t control. When its on im charismatic and can talk to people but it can turn off and I turn so nervous and scared and can’t talk to really anyone outside of my family without being nervous in real life. It’s like when i talk to anyone in this phase im like grasping at strings for what to say and can’t think of anything funny to say for the life of me. I don’t know what wrong with me, cause back in december i was way better at conversating. But now I just can’t figure it out. It’s so frusturating because I’ve been through this before, where it feels like talking to anyone is just so daunting and impossibel. It also makes me feel bad for my friends who want to see me but I can’t even talk to them or make plans without being terrified. I get so relieved when I come home from hanging out it’s insane. It’s almsot like I love being alone but at the same time don’t like it cause i miss being sociable. But for some reason I just can’t be. Any advice plsty

  1. Stop worrying about what other people think. If you don’t feel like hanging, then don’t.

  2. Other people’s thoughts don’t matter you only decide what you wanna do

  3. the exact same thing happens to me too. don’t stress it 🙂 you don’t have to say anything, be mysterious there’s nothing wrong with that. don’t socialize until your battery feels filled up or it will make you feel drained and even worse then you do now

  4. Dudes narrating my life story!! All i can say is i am good.. I mean really good!! I can even flirt better than anyone in a room when i have to…or when i feel charismatic. It’s just my brain who has gone through shit which creates worse possibilities and holds me back. You get another level of disappointment when you know you have that in you but constantly needs to remind yourself. On my worse days i can’t even talk to anyone and rather stay in my room. Right now I forgot what a normal conversation felt like. where you don’t have to think about the judgement too much!! All i can say is i hope it gets better!!

  5. i. fuckin. get this. i really do. there’s on and off periods, but i’m not in control of it. it drives me crazy!!!!! like you know you have it in you and it’s so frustrating when u cant muster it out. i think it’s anxiety? honestly it depends on who i’m around and how i’ve been treating myself!!! what is this called dude i hate the switch thing. just know ur not alone. and it’s okay to not have it on all the time, i’m not sure about you but it messes with my self esteem, u just have to remember it doesn’t make u worth any less. and ur allowed to have those down periods. nothing is linear okay? :] you can pm me if u want to talk more <3

  6. Boii i thought that was just me but damn I feel u bruh. Only in my case things change in a matter of days or MAYBE weeks but exactly same as u. I won’t even try changing shit in my case tho. I just go with the flow. If I made plans for next week and I don’t feel like leaving the house for a week or so I’ll just ghost my friends without saying a word. I’m lucky my friends know me well enough not to take anything personal. A friend literally told me last week that im the only person he wouldn’t get offended by if I left him on read mid conversation lmao so my point is if those friends u have are the type to stick for a long time then it helps if u let them know. Makes life way easier. Like I ghosted my friends for literally 2+ month once and came back like thing happened. Nobody freaked out…just sayin

  7. This is normal. It is possible that you are an ambivert. That is a person who can be both an extrovert and an introvert at the same time. Therefore, sometimes you can be very active in communication and after a while it is the opposite. You just need time for yourself to recover and be alone. 🙌

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