Have you ever been in a relationship that you felt completely accepted as you are? No need to put on airs? How rare or common is it to find that kind of acceptance in an intimate romantic relationship?

  1. I’ve only ever felt that in my current relationship of 5+ years. I don’t have to try to be anything but myself and it is great. Would highly recommend this lifestyle choice 👍

  2. When you can be vulnerable enough to let him see the darkest side of you. And he doesn’t run. He wants to hold your hand in the darkness.

  3. It’s a really warm feeling that everything you can and could do is mutual. It’s a fragile state that makes you feel not so alone or dainty anymore. You can be strong and still feel taken care of, because you can take care of them in ways you never knew existed. When its a feeling of home, nostalgia.. and an unexplainable breathing room. That is what it feels like. As for common.. I think it could be someone’s once in a life time, or someone’s forever.

  4. It was wonderful! Highly recommend it just down fuck it up like I did.

  5. It’s one of the best feelings. I’ve darkness inside me, I have some aspects of my personality that I would never show to anyone. But I can be myself with him, I never have to hide anything or think if what I want to say is right. It’s amazing.

  6. It feels safe and like home.
    Don’t get me wrong, we still squabble and annoy the shit out of each other sometimes. It’s not rosy all the time.
    But he makes me feel loved, seen, and accepted every day. I trust him with my heart and secrets, he know me better than anyone and accepts and loves for who I am, warts and all. He makes me happy and enriches my life in countless ways. I feel so lucky that he’s mine, and I’m his.

  7. I feel supported in everything I do.

    I want to go back to college, and he is 100% on board, to the point of taking over the bills while I’m in college to make it easier on me. At my lowest he was there to hold me while I cried, and he is there to celebrate with me when I’m at my best. I ensure he has a say in all the decisions I make that impact the both of us, but for things that only impact myself, he’s always supportive. Dumb tattoos? Yes. Protests? He’s got bail money if I need it. New hobbies? How can he help?

    In return, I do the same for him. As long as it doesn’t hurt each other or anyone else, it’s all gravy baby.

  8. like a hug, like coming home, like a weight being lifted

    personally i find it pretty common in romantic relationships, long/deep friendships, and with family

  9. I recently met a man who makes me feel this way. I feel safe and soft and adored and relaxed. It’s lovely. I hope it continues to blossom.

  10. When my boyfriend and I first started seeing each other I felt like my heart was opening, it was both physical and emotional- an actual movement that I felt in my chest that’s hard to explain other than it felt like my heart was opening, like a flowers petals unfurling. We can talk about anything and have in depth discussions about our dreams and past and fears and everything under the sun. He gives me his full attention while also being his unique and creative self, always working on something interesting that he’s passionate about which I find extremely attractive. Another thing we both noticed is that whenever we were cuddling I’d fall asleep almost instantly and it was always the most blissful little nap. Still to this day I feel so relaxed and like i can just close my eyes and let go around him. It’s the most connected I’ve felt with another person. He makes my heart feel safe.

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