She asked maybe 2-3 weeks ago to hangout, we have been trying to find a day that works best due to work and next week I have off for four days. I told her those days but she didn’t acknowledge my message, then she hasn’t been replying to my messages on Snapchat so I stopped sending anything for now. Maybe I came off the wrong way? ); I’ve been trying to have consistent contact, nothing pushy and sometimes give her a day or two where I don’t say anything.

I also haven’t hung out with her before.. only at my previous job where we seemed to click and then reconnected last year on and off over text. I really want to be friends with her, she seems to like a lot of similar things that I do. I haven’t had a solid actual real life friend since I was like a child, only online friends and my boyfriend.. who I also met online and now live with.

I’m worried also about even meeting with her and I don’t want to come off wrong or awkward.. even though I’ve talked to her before in person.

1 comment
  1. Have you two hung out together outside of your previous job? Seems like she’s at least somewhat interested in being friends with you if she asked you to hang out. But I know some people just say that kinda casually, not really meaning it.

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