Any friendship issues/ your friendly behaviour being perceived differently/ differences in how you are treated in work?

  1. There will be a lot of seemingly innocent but also judgmental comments about how “thinner” you look. I could be overthinking but reality is not everyone will be happy about your win, and that’s okay. Sometimes it feels like if they’re not losing weight, you shouldn’t too. :/

  2. Besides my family calling me a skeleton (which I’m not and they criticize me with or without weight so lol) absolutely no negative changes, only positive for me !

  3. Old men hitting on me telling me I “look 15”. I was just underweight. No longer happens in normal BMI. Still disgusted.

  4. Weirdly enough even less clothes fit after I lost weight. I have big boobs and before when I was heavier and wearing larger sizes my boobs fit. Now clothes fit literally everywhere but the boobs and almost nothing leaves enough space for them. I’m also cold all the fucking time now. Any my ass hurts when I sit down for too long because it’s too boney.

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