There’s this girl I’ve been trying to talk to since last year and three days ago at prom I finally decided to go up to her and ask for her phone number, she gave it to me and I texted her yesterday. We had a great conversation and we we’re both replying to each other’s texts quick, then it got late and she went to sleep. I didn’t receive any messages from her today but she plays soccer and tomorrow she has what could be her last game of the season since they’re in playoffs. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to go watch her and show support, but at the same time I don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable or do too much too soon, any feedback would be highly appreciated.
Should I text her again today or wait a little longer?
I really want my relationship with this girl to work out and any other advices would be appreciated too

1 comment
  1. > I was wondering if it would be a good idea to go watch her and show support, but at the same time I don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable or do too much too soon

    Unless you actually like soccer, happen to be in the area, etc., I think it’d be too much.

    >Should I text her again today

    Yeah. And if she doesn’t answer for another 24 hours, she’s not interested in talking to you and you should move on.

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