My step father has a terminal cancer and my wife has told me she thinks he’s a “p* ssy” because he tries to avoid going out in public.

Tonight when out to dinner with her she said she thought my step dad was a “whimp” because he couldn’t carry his suitcase down a flight of stairs.

Furthermore, she has said my friend with a non-curable cancer is a whimp for wearing a mask.

Lastly, she had privately told me she thinks my dad is a “F*tF*ck”. Yes my dad is heavier set, but these comments are so hurtful.

Although all these comments have been said in private (between her and I), I’m at the point that I’m starting to not be in love with her as our core values clearly don’t align. I’d never name call someone in a less fortunate situation.

Am I over reacting for thinking of divorce? These comments are so hurtful to me and even when she knows that she doesn’t care and tells me to get over it.

  1. > Am I over reacting for thinking of divorce?

    No, not at all. I would dump anyone who said something like this and didn’t sincerely apologize. Ultimately I don’t want to be a person who settles for terrible partners. I just couldn’t live with my lack of standards.

  2. Tell her you want a divorce and to get all of the assets. If she complains, call her a wimp.

  3. She honestly sounds like a terrible and hateful person. What kind of person insults someone with cancer, and a family member nonetheless. I would try therapy before divorce just to give it a fighting chance, but I am sorry that this is happening in your marriage.

  4. >Am I over reacting for thinking of divorce?

    Of course not. How could you stand to spend any time at all around someone like that?

    >she doesn’t care and tells me to get over it

    When you serve her the papers, tell her this is what getting over it looks like.

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