My boyfriend had initially asked me a few months ago. Then he brought up the idea to his cousins (both male 14 and 18) and they don’t want me to go. So now he’s uninviting me. Now I don’t have any problems with his cousins and neither do they with me (I think). He says it’s because they’re young and want to go on a cruise with only him without him “having” to pay attention to me the whole time. I understand, I told him we don’t have to be together 24/7 on the cruise either! So I don’t see why it’s such a big deal? Im a little conflicted because I understand it’s family but I’m also a bit hurt and feel disrespected. He says “I will go with them to this cruise then we can go to another cruise again just us”. really makes me feel like the second option… idk what to make of this situation, am I being extra ? Do I have the right to be upset? i don’t wanna seem like that bitchy gf but seriously it would be great to feel prioritized if this is going to be my long term partner. (Yes I am paying for my ticket)

  1. If he legitimately takes you on one just the two of you then I think that is a very reasonable compromise. It is not like the family cruise is just him so unless you have a strong reason to believe his cousins not wanting you there is a lie I would just accept it.

  2. You can’t help your feelings, so you always have a right to them. What is within your control is your actions. I wouldn’t have much respect for your boyfriend for inviting and then uninviting you. He either should have asked his cousins earlier or not asked them and simply informed them. However, it’s his family cruise, so I don’t think you have a right to demand a place, even if he originally extended an invite. You do have a right to reconsider how seriously you take this relationship.

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