Which male brand is just expensive and hyped and not worth it at all.

  1. Oakley sunglasses. Paying a couple hundred bucks for some plastic shades is ridiculous

  2. Manscaped products. You’re paying premium for low grade products and advertising.

  3. Gillette. Granted they also sell pink razors to women but generally speaking they are a make focused brand. And a shit one at that.

  4. I love Nike sneakers, but their clothing is just ite. Im not about to pay top dollar for it.

  5. Harley Davidson.

    Their motorcycles are *okay*, but to me look like the honda civic of motorcycles with their boring and predictable plastic stylings. I get the appeal of being part of the “harley club” sort of thing for middle aged lawyers and shit, mostly the same guys buying Gibson Les Pauls to hang on their walls IME. Regardless, the motorcyles aren’t *bad*, just kinda overpriced and cheesy/silly.

    Most of their branded lifestyle shit is absolute garbage though. Any time you see a guy with a pair of Harley Davidson branded boots or a Harley Davidson jacket, understand that the person paid upscale “bespoke” type prices for something that is usually of lower quality than what you would buy at Walmart or Kmart. Just trash level garbage materials, terrible sweatshop quality construction, etc. Literally the equivalent of a $15 pair of discount store boots being sold for $250-500 because they’ve got the Harley emblem stamped into them.

  6. Carhardtt. My $20 dickies last just as long.
    Also, timberland. They’re some of the worst workboots.

  7. Those squatch soap bars. Granted, I’ve never tried it. But practically every single man I know who’s tried it says it’s horrible. Great smell but it doesn’t stick and the bar dissolves within a few days.

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