How do you handle your significant other going on vacation without you?

So me(29f) and my boyfriend(26m) just got back together.. We’ve been through alot together (went through 7 months pregnancy just to loose her as a stillborn, lived together, vacationed together, he lived with me etc)
We were not together for a few months. I had another “relationship ” with a man for about a month. I know he was “talking” to females but never had sex or hung out with them. (I could definitely tell he hadn’t had sex once we did last week so I know that is not he knows I had sex with a guy so I know he’d tell me if he did)
We just got back together last week.
He just let me know he’s going on vacation Monday via text.
I’m guessing it was planned prior to us getting back together.
I’m trying not to “freak out” or question to much cause in the past ive been known to freak out and over react.. alot due to losing our daughter i was completely crazy for awhile. But after therapy and self healing i feel alot better about myself and our relationship. So i just replied “oh nice”.
But inside I’m kind of freaking out.. a little not to much though I’m just like obviously a little concerned. I’m trying to tell myself that obviously he wants to be with me and wouldn’t hurt me if he decided to come back in my life. I do trust him, especially after he wasn’t with anyone the 3 months we were apart.
Tips to keep busy and “handle” this. Do I ask if we can FaceTime at night or expect him to text me or just let him be while he’s on vacation with his guyfriend, cousin and cousins wife ?
Idk I just can’t be how I used to be and mess up the relationship. Since we are taking things “slow” and aren’t like communicating tooo too much through the day or anything. Just asking how my day etc.
I’m just like thinking how to get through the week next week while hes away, without losing my shit….

Tdrl; how to handle ny boyfriend going on vacation without me..

  1. you gotta make sure that you’re taking care of yourself in life? Insecurities like this are not normal. They have become normalized, but in general, they are not normal. Somebody should be able to go on vacation without their cause being called into question.

  2. What do you have to worry about with him going on vacation? Particularly when he doesn’t seem to be going with an unmarried woman?

    There’s nothing magical about a vacation that makes it easier to sleep with someone else than being in your own home area does.

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