So yesterday I went on away trip to watch my local team play. I went with some friends they sat behind me in the bus, I had one seat open next to so this random girl comes sits next to because there wasn’t any other seat available. She was quiet constantly texting. So I was like I’m not gonna be sitting next to someone and not have a little chat. I’m a little bit anxious about initiating the conversation but I just said screw what do I got to lose. So we talk and she’s surprisingly very receptive. The whole trip to the stadium flew by. After we got off I thought we’ll maybe she’s gonna take another seat on the way back so I wished her a good game and went on with my day. So the match finished and there she was again this time she had options to sit somewhere else but she sat next to me again so I made a little small talk about the game and afterwards I was fine with. So out of nowhere she starts to ask me questions as well and the ball started rolling again. In the end I thought should I ask her for her number/social but that would be weird considering she had a boyfriend. So I just wanted to enjoy this moment because I just wanted to talk and nothing more. So I said that I enjoyed our talk and wish you a safe trip home. Idk this just felt so wholesome to me and it is a step forward for me to being more social.

  1. Wow, that’s a really great experience! It’s always awesome when you can connect with someone so easily and have a good conversation – especially on a long bus ride! And even though you didn’t get her number, it’s still a really positive experience and definitely a step forward in being more social and putting yourself out there. Keep it up! 😊

  2. Yoo I am inspired by this! I am super boring on mentioning things. What other tips sentence starters and sentences that carried on the conversation worked for you?

  3. I had the exact same experience on a train ride once. Started with a few words and then picked up in conversation. She too had a boyfriend but it was nice just to chat with a human for a bit.

  4. You’re on your way!!  The stylin’, profilin’, limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin’ and dealin’ son of a gun………! WOO!

  5. Yay!! Sounds awesome!❤️❤️I especially love your final interpretation, that you can enjoy genuinely connecting with other human beings in any given moment, without expecting anything more 🙂

  6. That was all great, next time give her your name or number so she could look you up if interested at a later date.

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