I’m being weird this isn’t a excuse but the reality of who I am what can I do to avoid doing stuff like this?

I tend to over share and fall in love too easily also I’m more drawn toward people who treat me like shit. I wanna be happy but I gotta remember that my happiness isn’t more important than anyone else I know most people gonna go ewwww weirdo but I genuinely wanna be better but I just don’t know how to do that.

  1. I relate in a way, but have kind of gone the other way where I’m so careful of not doing this that I keep my distance and probably come across as cold and uninterested, especially with people that I’d really like to be friends with. Means I never get close to them and I find it really hard.

  2. Your happiness is more important to YOU than to anyone else, so don’t sell yourself short. Read books on social skills, lots of them. Some will resonate with you. Then practice what you learn.

  3. Me too, I relate but don’t have any advice besides be careful not to turn too reserved as a result of this. I have become very anxious about being “too much” and now have horrible anxiety in conversations and interactions. It was better to just be cringe than to shut down everything before it has a chance to happen

  4. Well, im guilty of easily falling in love.

    And my suggestion is to… just accept that. It is just a thing.

    You should be aware enough to compensate for that. Whenever i notice Im starting to look forward to meeting this girl, or notice im just randomly thinking of her during the day, I will smile, shake my head and think to myself and remind myself that now it isnt a good time to get involved.

    To me it is a matter of priorities, for you it is apparently a matter of you falling for the wrong person.

    It isnt perfect, sometimes my interest bleeds through, and it has led to some awkward situations where i had to actually softly (and sometimes outright) reject the girls. Sometimes just pretending to be super dense works. Again, it is what it is.

    Be attentive. Once you notice it is happening you might have to start to police yourself mid interaction, but that is the burden we carry. It is a bit like asking how to stop crying at movies as a man, which also happens to me, the answer is just accept it and soon there is no more awkwardness in it.

    PS.: I had way more issues with it when i was younger. Depending on how young you are just know that you will learn as you go.

    P.P.S: Seems like you are a better person than me. My happiness is number one. Maybe you shouldnt go that far but your happiness IS important.

  5. I agree that you start relationships in a way that could improve to make you feel more fulfilled in life, but I one hundred percent disagree that you’re this disgusting weirdo that people will always be repulsed by.

    I think you seem really smart and willing to change an unhealthy habit, you’re just looking for the tools. This is the kind of shit that people struggle with an entire lifetime.

    I also disagree that it’s the reality of who you are, depending on what you mean. It’s how your behaviour has been up until now. That’s not really what you are. With the right insight, you will act completely differently, and you’ll still be you.

    If I may ask a question: what do you think is the reason this happens over and over to you?

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