men who left a great ltr to sleep around, what’d you learn?

  1. Leaving was worth it rather than staying and constantly having to fight off an “urge” to be single and have fun.

    It wasn’t fair for me or her, so I left and I don’t regret it. I’m doing my own thing and I’m enjoying myself.

  2. I didnt leave to sleep around, but i am having a really hard time sleeping aroundd anyways. FMl

  3. Leaving was totally worth it. It’s a long ass story but she was entirely waiting for me to find someone else.

  4. Left a relationship I wasn’t happy in to sleep around and ended up finding my wife. Safe to say it worked out.

  5. It was fucking BRILLIANT! I’ll never do a LTR again!

    That said, my current temporary is going on 3 years.

  6. I WAS married and thanks to the dumb bitch cheating, then I got tf out. Moved across the country, discovered dating apps, bars, prostitutes…so yea traveling the world has (was) been interesting. Now some what settled in a 1.5 year relationship. Overall I can’t complain. Hoe did me a favor

  7. I don’t regret leaving. I regret the way I did it and how long it dragged before I finally pulled the trigger. I put her through way more than she ever deserved and all she wanted to do was love me. I was definitely the bad guy. But I was young stupid and horny.

  8. I learned that I really didn’t like sleeping around. Oh, the sex was fun, it was easy enough, but I figured out that I’m the kind of guy that likes to connect with someone. And bouncing from person to person was tiring and unfulfilling.

  9. In high school and college I hooked up A LOT. Then toward the end of college “settled down” and was in a 8 year relationship, we were constantly fighting, and I was tired of having to ‘work’ for sex. I decided to call it quits and play the field, only to find that I didn’t belong on the field anymore.. It’s so true that when you are taken, people notice you and you get flirted with more. When I was in a relationship I would get hit on all the time, and thought I was just charming and handsome. When I was single, I wouldn’t get even glances and smiles and felt like Shrek. Ultimately I finally met my now wife, and I definitely have learned to not take that special connection we share for granted. Having fond memories of the ‘pimp I was’ is enough for me now, and I couldn’t picture my life without my wife and children.

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