Hey, I’m 22F dating a guy 27M since 3 months. He is an amazing guy and we get along really well.

I’m about to start my first job next month, I plan to do a master’s degree next year from another country while my partner wants to get married in 2-3 years.

I definitely don’t wanna be married till the next 4-5 years. I’m unable to promise him anything on kids or either marriage right now as I haven’t experienced my adult life and I’m not sure about how my life will be in the next 3-4 years. But, he wants me to be fully committed to the relationship but I do have some fears what if down the line after a few years we aren’t on the same page as people grow a lot in their early 20s.

On top of all this his father might pass away very soon due to an illness and i just don’t understand what’s right for us.

Should we go apart or stick together?

If anyone has experienced this before please share your experience or any advice.

1 comment
  1. It is a little early in your relationship to make any decisions on kids and marriage. Tell him how you feel and if he can’t wait for marriage or kids let him go. If he really loves you he will be understanding of your feelings.

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