people have always walked all over me my entire life and always got away with it because i was just too shy to create a boundary and stand up for myself. i’ve tried to set boundaries for myself and sometimes i succeed but after a while these people will disregard it and cross it again leaving me feeling like i’m worth nothing. how do i stop feeling bad about myself after creating boundaries with these people. i wish i could make friends and bonds with other people but there’s just this feeling of anxiety i get especially when opening up to anyone about something, i just feel like they will stab me in the back again like everyone else.

  1. Try this book, it helped me a lot:

    Healing Your Aloneness: Finding Love and Wholeness Through Your Inner Child, by Erika Chopich and Margaret Paul

  2. I would say you should be creating boundaries until you feel confident about it. Read some articles or books telling why you should create boundaries – something that will make you feel confident. If someone isn’t respecting your boundaries, tell them how you feel about it and probably don’t make friends with them. Be patient and wait for those respecting you and your situation. What I would do with this anxiety feeling is probably talk abt it to someone I trust or with the therapist. Seeing a person who’s a specialist can be really helpful. Also just talking about feeling is really important, so maybe open up to others about it. I have a friend at school that is very anxious/stressed, and she openly tells others how she feels, and I can see it is very helpful – others are more understanding.

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