What is the longest romantic relationship you have been in? What made it last as long as it did?

  1. 6 months and it was because I didn’t know she was cheating after 4 of them😂

    I’m not good at relationships

  2. Mine lasted 43 years. I kinda found the unicorn with the girl I married.

  3. Never had one last longer than a year. This is due to my own imposter syndrome sabotaging the relationship.

  4. I’ve been with girlfriend and boyfriend for close to three years, the former joined a couple of months ago. We just have great chemistry, the sex is great and we share the same interest and hobbies : fashion, makeup, cars and travelling.

  5. Don’t give up hope. The longest I had before I met my wife was 3 months, and then bam, we’ve been together 14 years.

  6. 14 years. 7 years of those married to best darn gremlin I’ve ever met.

  7. 5 years? She used me to jump start her own career. She did not consider that i would end up her boss and make her life a living hell.

  8. 14 years and still going.

    It’s a combination of things, but I suppose the most important is to find someone who shares your beliefs about what constitutes a good relationship. My wife and I are both strong believers in marriage as a forever commitment.

  9. We’ve been together 12-ish and just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. Great communication, lots of laughter, common goals and visions, and great sex.

  10. 13 years. Should have been MUCH shorter, but I didn’t know I deserved any better.

  11. Going on 15 years. What made it last is not giving up when things get hard (the wrong things).

  12. 8 years and counting. The key is being considerate of your partner and checking that your actions are contributing to the relationship, not taking away from it. If you’re both doing that honestly, things will be good.

  13. 4 years and it just ended. She couldn’t see that my parents needing me superseded her desire to move 7 hours away to live with her friend. We had a tough 6 -8 months ahead of us, where I would save cash for a house m, but she decided to go and live with her friend. I wasn’t about to be with someone that didn’t understand that when people are sick / need help Its go time.

  14. 12 years with 1st wife only because I foolishly tried to gut it out for the kids sake. It should’ve ended no less than 6 years sooner.

    Also, 12 years with current wife because I actually kinda like her.

  15. 11 years. We met in Hell which gave us the same outlook and motivations in life as we grew into adults

  16. We’re going on 23 years total together and 20 year married. Truth be told, we are completely different people in terms of interests. I think where we come together is in core values. It’s sort of a peanut butter and chocolate scenario. We are just soooooo different. And it may sound shallow to say, but she and I have talked about it; we both like sex – A LOT. I think we just got extremely lucky in that we are a partnership with matching libidos. While sex is not everything, we conceded that it’s 25% to 33% of our relationship. And at our age (both are 45) we don’t know many people in and around our age that have not been divorced at least once. Many we know are on their 2nd and 3rd marriages. People want to know the secret in what makes us work as a marriage. I have no idea. We just work. I think on paper or a dating app algorithm were not supposed to work. But we do. I also think mutually respecting your partner and understanding that they have a unique identity to them outside of the relationships, is also an important consideration. Yeah, she’s my wife and I’m her husband but our individual identities are NOT the marriage and definitely not our children. I think it’s good to have that perspective and also; people will grow and change within a relationship. It’s okay to have personal growth. In a lot of ways she is not that 22 year old girl I started dating 23 years ago.

  17. Eight years, and we’re getting married in… oh Jesus, two hours from now. Fuck, I should get off of Reddit.

  18. 14 yrs so far. It’s work, but we are worth it. She has learned to put up with my issues, and me hers. One big thing is agree on the rules of arguments. You will have them.

    Here is our list.
    No name calling
    No comparison to another person
    No involving anyone else. Especially children
    No bringing up unrelated issues
    No interruptions
    Allow the other person to talk
    Be respectful
    Listen. Don’t just wait for your time to respond
    Make your points short
    One issue at a time
    Work towards resolving the issue not winning the argument.

  19. Probably for a few hours. And it only lasted that long because I wasn’t woken up in the middle of it.

  20. Been 3.5 years with my ex. Now close to 2 years with my current girlfriend. Im 21

  21. 33 years. I got with her when I was 16 and she was 19. We got married when I was 24 and she was 27.
    This June is our 24th wedding anniversary. We have two kids. I’ve had a great time with my wife ever since that first kiss. I don’t know what made it last I guess we’re both crazy about each other and we get along great at the dining table and in bed.
    Also neither one of us has been with anyone else, we were each other’s first’s.

  22. 32 years for me (47M). Grow/learn every day. Work on the relationship. Remember that the lows make the highs better.

  23. Married going on 31 years. Two daughters, one son-in-law and a grandchild. It takes commitment. People go into marriage with the attitude that they will just get divorced if it doesn’t work out. That was never an option for me and my wife. We have had ups and downs but both are committed to the relationship. We both waited to have sex until we were married as well. That helped as well – no baggage. We just learned together. We are best friends. We do stuff sometimes that drives the other one nuts still but that is going to happen with anyone, we are all human. COMMUNICATE. That is so important. Don’t compare yourself to other couples, either. Everyone is different. Treat her with respect and honor and she will respect you as well. You are her provider, protector and spiritual leader. Be the MAN she needs and wants. Don’t be a wimp.

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